


2015-07-27 - Server Side Update

Server side update; July 27th, 2015

Hi all,

we will be taking the servers offline at 1PM (UTC+1) for a brief update and server tweaks.

Below is a listing of the changes…

  • Powerplay powers should automatically fail any expansion attempts if that attempt would push that power into a Command Capital deficit.
  • Galnet's network of economists and experts have started publishing their predictions for how each of the Powers likely to perform this cycle!
  • Various reliability fixes.
  • Simplified Powerplay overheads calculation to be based upon number of control (& turmoil!) systems instead of number of exploited systems

This downtime should not last any longer than 15 minutes, and will affect the following platforms: PC, Mac, Xbox One.


patchnotes/server/server_2015-07-27.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 11:00 von nemwar

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