


2015-06-11 - Server Update

Server Update - 11.06.2015

Greetings Commanders,

We have audited the results of this morning's Powerplay Cycle, and found that a few Powers did not receive the full benefit of your efforts to prepare systems for them to expand into. Unfortunately, this left space for some Powers to expand into a small number of systems that they were not entitled to.

To correct the balance, we have made the following adjustments to Expansion Systems.

The small number of Commanders with outstanding Powerplay vouchers earned by destroying enemy targets in the four lost systems will have received merits and credits for them. Unfortunately, it is not possible to credit Commanders who have yet to deliver Powerplay Commodities that affect the lost systems, any such cargo will have to be abandoned.

To address concerns raised by those Commanders who were not expecting the first Powerplay Cycle to end this morning, we have reduced the decay so that all Commanders have only lost 6/7ths of the Merits they would normally have lost at the end of a cycle. This affects this cycle only, all future cycles will decay at the full amount.

We currently expect that the cycles will end during our weekly maintenance period on Thursday mornings (07.00 UTC), but we may revise this in the future if balancing and tuning requires it.

As part of our ongoing tuning, we have made another reduction to the costs of integrity repairs.

  • Aisling Duval - No Change
  • Edmund Mahon - No Change
  • Arissa Lavigny-Duval - Expanded into: Carverda, Lutni, Lakluita
  • Felica Winters - Expanded into: Aulin, Mendindui, LTT 4337, Zeta Trianguli Australis
  • Denton Patreus - Expanded into: Chapsugaibo, Picaurukan, Wangal, Lao Zi - Lost expansion: Dongzi
  • Zachary Hudson - Expanded into: Bhritzameno, Te Uira
  • Li Yong-Rui - No Change
  • Zemina Torval - Expanded into: LFT 37, Kaliki
  • Pranav Antal - No Change
  • Archon Delaine - Expanded into: Lalande 45165 - Lost expansion: Wu Chelki, HIP 110205

In order to work out who wins the preparation we look at all systems that are in the afforded top 10 lists of the powers. Even if someone has done more preparation than anyone else if they can’t stump up the cash the cant prepare and they don’t count. We then look at systems within exploitation radii of each other we take the most prepared systems and eliminate the others as Control systems cannot be contested and it is easier to eliminate them at this early stage.

This happened with the following systems:

  • LFT 37 (Sucessful) and Kappa Phoenicis (failed)
  • Kappa Fornacis (Sucessful) and Autahenetsi (failed)
  • Kaliki (Sucessful) and Mandh(failed)
  • Mendindui(Sucessful) and Kaukamine(failed)

If more than one power is preparing the same system e.g. Cartoi which was being prepared by both Aisling and Arrisa both of whom had enough CC the power with the highest preparation wins Aisling had the highest preparation value so took the system in to expansion. This also happened in Anlave won by Hudson.

These changes have been made and require no downtime or client restart.

We're still looking at some other issues with this cycle such as the command capital allocation between powers.


Double checking the distance we found that as mentioned Grovichun had been wrongly excluded at 15.3 ly So we have put that system in to expansion for Aisling Duval.

Thanks to feed back it was noticed that a few existing expansions were aligned to the wrong power this affected the following systems:

  • Vaka moves from Denton Patreus to A Lavigny-Duval
  • Kappa Fornacis moves from Zachary Hudson to Zemina Torval



patchnotes/server/server_2015-06-11.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 11:00 von nemwar

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