


2017-05-17 - 2.3.02 Server Side Update

Server Update 2.3.02

Greetings Commanders,

We are in the process of rolling out a server side update. The server side update will occur this afternoon. Below are the changes…

  • Fix to make sure mission data and material rewards match between mission boards and transactions panel
  • Fix some players stuck on the main menu with Unable to Load Commander Data errors after launching a Fighter or SRV
  • Fix a transaction server disconnection when failing to restock limpets
  • Fix a transaction server Community Goal issue
  • Stop factions from getting positive effects when selling black market commodities for really low prices
  • Fix some stored ships not being available from the shipyard
  • Fix a transaction server issue when switching to a deployed fighter in multicrew
  • Split faction effects from redeeming superpower bounties based upon current influence percentages.
  • A percentage of the influence change will be left over if there are factions in the system that are not part of the superpower. This remaining amount will be discarded.


patchnotes/server/2017-05-17.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 11:00 von nemwar

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