


2014-10-10 - Server Side Update

Server Side Update 10/10/14

The team has spent the last week searching through the logs with a fine-toothed comb to iron out any issues or problems with the build.

This latest server side specific update is a result of the ongoing testing from the community. The Elite: Dangerous team have dealt with technical problems that they wouldn't have otherwise found if it wasn't for the tickets you've been logging.

These updates are already live and don't require a galaxy server restart.

See the change log below:

  • Commanders should no longer be fined 1 credit when the System Authorities find stolen cargo with a scan
  • Commanders should once again be able to purchase ships that cost less than their current ship's trade-in value when they don't have sufficient credits to buy it without the part exchange
  • Improvements to server balancing to make it more likely to encounter other Commanders in a given star system
  • Fixed crash to desktop when hyperspacing to certain unpopulated star systems, and fixed exploration scanning whilst there
  • Enabled per-commodity restock rates in Commodity Markets
  • Commanders with large quantities of cargo in their holds should no longer receive such favourable prices
  • Commanders who fly very quickly between Space Stations should no longer receive data for the wrong Commodity Market

If you have any questions, please put them in the forum thread below. Keep posting tickets and let us know any other problems you have. The team keep a close eye on the forums, and with your help any future issues can be fixed.

patchnotes/server/2014-10-10.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 11:00 von nemwar

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