


2017-03-21 - 2.3 Beta 4

2.3 Beta 4 Changelog

Hi everyone,

Beta 4 has just gone live… please see the changelog below!

Stability Fixes

  • Fixed crash with contract destination does not coming through correctly
  • Prevent crash when two players attempt to switch to fighter at same time
  • Crash fix when supercruising with fighter out
  • Crashfix: when opening the system map in rare circumstances
  • Fix a crash if someone mines an asteroid near a station in a ring which then tries to spawn a microresource
  • Fix a crash if a user quits the game during a multicrew location transition
  • Fix a crash if a multicrew crew member disconnects from the host while loading
  • Fixed cockpit crash in SRV
  • Crash fix for various Multicrew edge cases

General Fixes/Tweaks

  • Fixed the brightness of dust clouds in the main galaxy background
  • Terrain shader minor optimisation for 700 series Geforce
  • Audio: Fixing triggering of Vessel Voice „Ready To Engage“ which wasn't being triggered
  • Fixed missing progress bars on scanning reticle
  • Fix asteroids sometimes not rendering into the far shadow views
  • Fixed an issue on the system map. After zooming and directly leaving the system map, the sounds would hang around
  • Fix saved game code to not write fsd superchange state twice (correct then wrong) which was breaking neutron-star jumps
  • Fix for credits not being taken when purchasing exploration data
  • Speed up CQC matchmaking when players of significantly different ratings join the game


  • Made NPC voice and messages work in multicrew
  • Fixing visibility issues for HUD rings and quick slots behaviour
  • Added collision sounds for Multicrew seated players
  • Audio: „Asteroid depleted“ vessel voice line now audible to all members of a multicrew session
  • Each player in a multicrew session can now see the boost gained for supercharging your fsd
  • Prevented crew from jettisoning cargo which could cause their cargo hold to be inconsistent with the helm
  • Fix an issue where if a local player's ship's cockpit component is destroyed, ie if a player enters a fighter, all crew would be detached from their chairs
  • Fix gunner controls reverting to helm if fighterCon gets kicked when in a fighter due to illegal activity
  • Removing wing icon from the galaxy map view and from the left hand panel when in multicrew
  • Fix for: In the commander interaction history make sure the player can't have themselves in their own history.
  • Cockpit health is now replicated between multicrew members (fixes cockpit not breaching for crew members)
  • Fix for 2 players trying to switch to fighter at the same time
  • Audio:Tweaks to crew voice mix
  • Fix for MultiCrew fighter being destroyed when MultiCrew is disbanded when it is being flown by another player
  • Gunner hud (3rd person camera) now displays relevant information when targeting a prospector limpet
  • Increase the delay after launching fighters so that they shouldn't clip the parent ship on the way out (0.5 → 0.8 seconds)
  • Disband crews more forcefully when the captain disconnects

Avatars/Commander Creator

  • Exit and Cancel popups are now displayed only after changes are made in Holo-Me.
  • Fixed issue where Russian text would not be displayed on stepper in Holo-Me
  • Fixed occasional blank images in avatar portraits
  • Added VR backdrop to Holo-Me
  • Tab bar in holo-me no longer repeats input when tab button is held down
  • Fix the avatar portraits using lower res resources in some instances

Camera Suite

  • Further fixes to various camera positions to avoid obscured angles
  • Change the jump to camera vanity bindings to say the name of the camera they will jump to instead of just „Camera {number}“
  • Added the ability to roll the free camera using the mouse, Renamed Mouse Pitch and Mouse Roll in the bindings menu to Mouse Y-axis and Mouse X-axis to reflect which mouse axis is used for the input instead of what the input will do since that is now set in a toggle


  • Fixes for popping sounds in loops inside stations
  • Fixed hitcheck issues with asteroid base


  • Changed labelling of chained missions on the mission board to help relieve confusion over what part of a chain the player is on
  • Add 2 new scenario remaps so that the new Incursion missions still let us complete the Well Trained achievement on XB1
  • Disparity between text and audio logs now fixed
  • Fix cabin escape pods not always being used when passengers eject


  • Fixed Texture Seam on space Dredger


  • Audio:Fixing silent Pulselaserburst_Huge
  • Audio:Fix missing hold events pulselaserburst huge
  • Audio:Fix silent LOD1 heatsink launcher
  • Audio:Fixing a weird sound on the large pulslaser turrets


  • Added cockpit chair based lighting (small amount of ambient to stop avatars being completely unlit in dark environments) to all ships where it was missing
  • Added new ship naming popup in livery
  • Fixed being unable to activate/deactivate colour customisation modules on the right hand panel
  • Audio: Fixing triggering of Vessel Voice „Ready To Engage“ which wasn't being triggered
  • Audio:fixing waste pod volume issues.
  • Audio:Few tweaks to fighter launch/stow to make them quieter when heard from the cockpit. Shortened a needlessly long loop and fixed its XBox conversion settings so it doesn't sound rubbish.
  • Audio:Tweak to engine launch
  • Audio:Fixed broken fighter tractor beam event actions
  • Fixed Imperial cutters external lights not working


  • Fixed for silent turret guns on other buggys
  • Fixed ships not appearing on the SRV's wave scanner
  • Fix for turret gui remaining should a srv get shutdown while in turret view
  • SRV terrain schematic should now correctly render a cross section effect between the radar plane and any terrain that rises above it
  • Fixed SRV's decal slot names

Station Services

  • Fixed flow issues when opening Station Services for the first time
  • Fix fighter paintjobs not appearing in outfitting

patchnotes/abg/2017-03-21.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 11:00 von nemwar

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