


2016-09-21 - 2.2 Beta 3

Beta 2.2 - Update 3

Hey guys,

There is a 3rd patch incoming on the beta servers. Here's the change log.

We are expecting this to go live sometime this evening. I will update this thread once the update is live.

  • Fixed parent ship livery slots appearing briefly when selecting a launch able, which should prevent a crash caused by trying to modify a slot that doesn't exist
  • Prevent crash on game shutdown
  • Prevent a crash trying to generate a mission for a station that no longer exists
  • Fix a crash with the fighter bay trying to access an invalid state machine
  • Fix a Commander ID mismatch with launch able vehicle in save game causing matchmaking errors
  • Fix an error with settlement on Dahan 3 a
  • For the basic flight tutorial, disallow request dock with fake station
  • Fix stations being different from before the beta
  • Fix error in ship delivery calculation – it should be a linear association with distance, not exponential! (May still need further balancing)
  • Don’t send the ship arrived inbox message until the ship has actually arrived
  • Crewed SLF displays player rank, not crew's rank fixed
  • Display the NPC crew experience correctly
  • Fixed some server stat retrieval issues
  • Fighter and vehicle bays are now numbers this is to help match the bay to the vessel when using livery
  • Fixed loading screen model for the Taipan
  • Z-fighting on fighter models on ship spinning load screen fixed
  • Only add headings to „store multiple“ page if they will be populated
  • Fixed ‘sleepy’ expression pose
  • Fixed ancient collectables appearing as „Mining Fragments“ on the GUI
  • Fixed mysterious thing not deactivating
  • Audio: Fixed out of range warning and linked it up to UI
  • Audio: Fixed „no more targets“ NPC crew line
  • Audio: Enabled „multiple contacts“ message which could never trigger before
  • Audio: Rock & Ice Fumaroles have no impact audio fixed

patchnotes/abg/2016-09-21.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 11:00 von nemwar

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