


2016-05-19 - 1.6 / 2.1 Beta 6

Elite Dangerous - Beta 6 update

Hey guys,

We've just updated the beta servers with our Beta 6 update. The servers will be down for a short while and we expect them to be back up within a couple of hours.

Please find the patch notes below. We’re returning the frequency of experimental effects from engineers to where we would expect it to be in the main game (much lower), thank you again for all the incredible testing and feedback it has been fantastically useful. We are also working on a couple of new options that will give the player a deterministic way to influence both whether an experimental effect occurs and which effect they get. Check out tonight’s livestream with Sandro Sammarco for more details about the changes being made based on your beta feedback

Patch notes

Stability Fixes

  • Fix a crash from a missing texture while in VR
  • Fix a crash in the animation system
  • Fix softlock when disconnected from the server
  • Fix softlock if trying to render a null texture page
  • Fix a crash that can happen when exiting the game if a POI activates the same frame that the POISpawner is killed
  • Fix error approaching a surface port
  • Guard against a crash when skimmers are killed while a proxy is at a very specific stage of constructing them

General Tweaks & Fixes

  • Added Alliance listening post (Cooper Research Centre) to HIP 19072
  • Made it so that you can't interdict someone who is in orbital cruise
  • Fix a performance issue when wing members are at extreme distances from each other
  • Fix incorrect button label when selling exploration data
  • Fix for being able to fly though a structure in CQC
  • Various text fixes


  • Fix incorrect event name on a comms array in large scientific 002 so that associated missions will progress properly
  • Skimmers should now always be marked as mission target if appropriate
  • Ensure that mission cargo is marked correctly for that mission
  • If the cargo unit we are ejecting is for a mission and we're an NPC, don't abandon the mission
  • Make alternate branches in massacre missions a choice
  • Make sure that massacre conflict missions have a hand in target
  • Don't Die wrinkle now has a change of actually being triggered in Massacre Skimmer missions
  • Added Missing String substitutions to planetary Hitman missions
  • Massacre skimmer missions should give you negative reputation with the mission giver
  • Alternate wrinkles for massacre missions will now correctly update the rep/state/influence of the factions when required
  • Alternate wrinkles for massacre missions now correctly spawn the targets in the alternate system, and will send you to the correct places for the reward
  • Added permit mission text
  • Various text fixes


  • Allow reputation to be earned from other sources than generating upgrades
  • Fixed players being unable to pay fines or hand in bounties for engineer factions.
  • Fixed the locking of station services at engineer bases checking for the incorrect relationship threshold
  • Make sure that blueprints are locked off to the appropriate ranks
  • Can't navigate to Donate button at Engineer Workshop with Controller, focus is locked on Back
  • Engineer modified modules showing incorrect percentage fixed
  • Prevent the player from backing out of the outcome panel after retrying a craft
  • Remove Modification does not update UI
  • Don't try rendering an icon as a localised string
  • Various text fixes


  • Ensure that projectile scaling is used for initial shots even if there is no custom VFX associated with the weapon they're fired from
  • Fix incorrect target tracking from causing torpedos aimed at sub-targets to deviate and lock on to inappropriate targets, in this case the signal of a planetary POI!
  • Fixed incorrect mass values for new 2.1 weapons


  • Ensure the correct Outfitting Band loc strings are used
  • Fixes to the way module comparison percentages are displayed
  • Outfitting modification info text and indicator overspill
  • Outfitting Shop Item - Back from Buy & Read More
  • UI was sending the wrong set of module slot IDs for swapping livery item fixed
  • Handled text fields with names of modules and module slots better to not go beyond the edge

Galaxy Map

  • Added markers for bookmarks (these will only apply to newly created bookmarks)
  • Bookmarks are now alphabetically sorted
  • Added icons to show nested bookmarks (when the bookmark is for an oject lower in the location hierarchy) in the galaxy map and system map
  • Fixed a refresh issue on the surface popup info
  • Changed the render order for icons and planetary icons to improve visibility


  • Federation Jacket & shirt palettes are always the same fixed
  • Enable skullcaps and helmets on Portraits + Engineers


  • Stop ship rising to 1km when activating DC over a landing pad
  • Stopped AI ships from reversing when in front of target
  • Fixed AI head-on attack velocity so it scales properly
  • Adjusted AI passing distance when performing a fast fly-by to reduce the possibility of ramming


  • Make sure we update our heat prop from the SRV as well as the ship, so we don't get repeating heat warnings if we deploy our SRV whilst the ship's temperature is above 100%


  • Set the number of microresources chosen for planets to the correct number
  • Ensure planetary material distribution is the same as in 2.0
  • Decals added to Large Wreckage


  • Added in re-trigger flags so the ship lights audio event can be re-triggered
  • Fixes for boarding clipper in SRV
  • Fixes for FDL hitcheck and shield issues


  • Fix a bunch of mining extractors around ports without model override
  • Updated the audio crowd control to use 16 min and 60 max dispersion for Audio Settlements
  • Make sure we are unregistered with the right planet port voice manager rather than whichever is closest
  • Changed the minimum and maximum values for crowd point dispersion in settlements. This will allow the crowd system to scale better with the different settlement sizes and prevent clusters of audio objects in small settlements
  • Minor change to weighting and volume of a very annoying radio chatter line
  • Fixed terrain depth blocker on the medium landing pad surround


patchnotes/abg/2016-05-19.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 11:00 von nemwar

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