


2015-09-30 - 1.4.γ Gamma 4

CQC Update: 1.4 Gamma 4

Hello commanders,

We have an update for our gamma stress test servers today! Here's the change log… as always, thanks for all of your bug reports, and feedback for CQC!

The PTS servers will be down for up-to 30 minutes during this update. We will push the update out at 3PM BST.

  • Fixed a crash opening system map when jumping
  • Fixed a soft lock in CQC.
  • Server matchmaking improvements.
  • Server stability and performance fixes.
  • Added CQC specific mute mode option (only available on PC/Mac).
  • Added default settings for the new Options Screen Interface.
  • Added A PC only tooltip to notify of the new option.
  • When a player quits from the CQC menu, make sure that they leave any squad that they were part of.
  • If a player is on the edit loadout screen when a game starts, them make sure that they start loading into the game.
  • Reduced the number of rounds being shot, the amount of damage being done and increased reload time for CQC frag cannon.
  • Fix error transitioning from galaxy map to powerplay screen.
  • Set a minimum level of visible stars in the galaxy map.
  • Changed the maximum number of invites to 3 for squads on PC, rather than 7.
  • Handle network disconnections early in voice comms. If my attempts to send fail, or I miss their cancel(/timeout) response, I should give up.


patchnotes/abg/2015-09-30.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 11:00 von nemwar

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