


2015-09-02 - 1.4.β Beta 2

CQC Update (1.4) Beta Build #2 Incoming

Afternoon Commanders,

We'll be updating the servers soon. The update is expected to start at 4pm and will be down for up to 30 mins.

The following changes are being made…

  • Fix crash on startup when retrieving user data
  • Fix crash on shutdown
  • Fix some incorrect galaxy data causing failed or unexpected Hyperspace jumps
  • Fix some Login Failure errors for Commanders with recent Beta access
  • Poll the webserver for lobby details every minute in case we've dropped game details from a request to enter matchmaking
  • Added inbox message warning the player that a powerplay cycle is due
  • Fix the occasional ~10s black screen after selecting CQC in the main menu
  • Add a transition so that Oculus Death Cam can transition back to Cockpit Cam (and out to Oculus Cockpit Cam).



patchnotes/abg/2015-09-02.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 11:00 von nemwar

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