


2015-06-01 - 1.3.β Beta 5

Powerplay Beta 5 changelog

Hi everyone,

Thanks for your patience while we updated to Powerplay Beta 5. The full list of changes are below:

Crash fixes:

  • Fix cases where RouteGeometryInstance could crash if locking the instance buffer fails (OSX specific)
  • Fix for when glGenBuffers() fails (OSX specific)
  • Fix for occasional crash when in the Galaxy map and using the Powerplay view
  • Fix very rare crash found in busy network sessions
  • Fix for a crash when using limpets


  • Prevent supercruise music playing over Galactic Powers screen when viewing in supercruise
  • Shield Cells now usable in supercruise
  • Balanced another stat that effects heat build up in the Courier
  • Ignore request from UI to redeem all trade vouchers if you don't have any vouchers to redeem
  • Tweaked the transition between Galaxy Map and Powerplay music
  • Fix for Smuggle branches (text)
  • Fix for Courier landing gear doors being closed even when gear is deployed
  • Text fix for mining mission rewards
  • Fix an over-speed exploit that would let people maintain maximum boost speed indefinitely in flight assist off using transverse thrust
  • Fix regularly reported turret issues where a turret pushed up to maximum confusion becomes useless
  • Fix for final destination lock being lost whenever player targets anything other than a celestial object
  • Fixed Diamondback outfitting camera angles
  • Fix for Diamondback landing gear not fully extending when deployed
  • Fixes for Diamondback hitcheck, decal slot 2 and 3, and lens flare orientation
  • Added slave mission variants
  • Fixed Diamondback jump flare positions
  • Added more chatter lines for hunter NPCs in Supercruise
  • Fix for mission text inconsistencies
  • Fixed typos and spelling mistakes
  • Fix for Merit value not updating after delivering cargo/claiming a voucher
  • Fixed camera zoom when focused on comms panel in Courier

patchnotes/abg/2015-06-01.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 11:00 von nemwar

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