


2014-12-12 - Gamma 2.03

Gamma 2.03 Changelog

Hello everyone,

Gamma 2.03 changelog here for you!

  • Seperate 'UI Back' into its own bindable input (Note this might affect players with custom bindings!)
  • Made backspace the default back button for all control schemes to ensure it's always at least bound to something. Control pad schemes also have B bound to back too
  • Fix repro'd case of spinning ship lock on load
  • Fix soft lock when buying data and then going to system view
  • Ensure that we do not send a webrequest that will result in a module being attached to a slot that it should not fit on (fixes broken decal save crash)
  • Fix for ATI driver crash seen when the Imperial capital ship warps in
  • Fix client-side bankruptcy bug - clear player's fines & bounties from the respawn system, not the one that happened to be selected
  • Fixed assert caused by trying to generate planets in a nebula
  • Fix for missions not showing up when moving servers
  • Fix to cobra's front hardpoint door animation being swapped
  • Reduce memory footprint of route finder to compensate for larger search radius
  • Refresh the mission list if we initially fail to accept or update a mission
  • Split WearAndTear into visual and gameplay parts, repaired separately
  • Prevent dropping out of supercruise into capital ships
  • Remove Electosmelters from cargo drop
  • A couple of galaxy map trade route improvements:
  • Switching on an individual commodity will now automatically toggle on its parent category
  • Added buttons for selecting all/none
  • Track IR fixes:
    • No TrackIR roll in cockpit fixed
    • Sluggishness when using TrackIR 5 fixed
  • Added some logging for accepting missions failing and updating missions failing
  • Fix for plotting jumps in the galaxy map which are too long
  • Added support for AV8R01 by adding it as an alternate AV8R03 scheme
  • Auto downgrades support added (automatic graphic settings)
  • Commodities market UI cargo count doesn't update when discarding cargo fixed
  • Fix the problem where routes plotted with jumps greater then 20LY would not show up on the navigation panel
  • Galaxy generation optimisation
  • Tweaked shadow setting in the high and medium presets
  • Salvage missions now correctly spawn objectives
  • Make normal slavery collect missions give cash not just rep
  • Fix for galaxy map sometimes showing solid lines on plotted routes when they should have been dotted due to insufficient fuel
  • Fixed trade route filters stop working if you use Clear while a heading is expanded
  • Upped AI bounties to make bounty hunting more viable as a career

And a server-side update too!

  • Prevent paintjobs and decals being applied to unsupported ship slots
  • Allow exploration data worth 0 credits to be sold
  • Activate the link between commodity markets and faction simulation
  • Fix some failing requests for starport news

patchnotes/abg/2014-12-12.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 11:00 von nemwar

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