


2014-11-27 - Gamma 1.03

Gamma 1.03 incoming

Good afternoon/evening/morning depending on where and/or where you're reading this,

Gamma 1.03 is on its way - the build should be available from 15:30 GMT. Keep the tickets and reports coming in as all of your feedback is incredibly important. Thanks so much for every bit of input you've provided so far.

The full change log can be seen below:

  • Crash following dropping out of Supercruise at Aulin Nav Beacon fixed
  • Fix for travel tutorial getting stuck in hyperspace
  • Fix occasional crash at startup related to upnp
  • Fix for model crashes in D3D
  • Fix crash in targeting system
  • Fix for rare scaleform crashes
  • Fix for faction data crash in Fawaol system
  • Fixed possible crash if you happen to shut down a ship on the same frame as it fires a drone
  • Handle null pointer in star texture particles
  • Fix decal trails threading issue
  • Don't include systems we are not permitted to enter in the route planning
  • Player reported bounty vouchers never show up in the transactions tab fixed
  • Fix an erroneous loadout appearing at USSs
  • Server optimisation to use cached star system names
  • Fix the false-positive user vanish reports from server to webserver
  • Fix Venus atmosphere thickness
  • Make sure micro rocks are locked and written into buffer before trying to draw them
  • Fix for rocks mission when entering and leaving the rings in the single player missions
  • Gas giant and rocky info was also using the boolean operation to mask flags
  • Add mission abandonment telemetry for tracking down cargo ejection failures
  • Append what kind of mission player event triggered a mission update request to the request
  • More telemetry added for items not loading

UPDATE: Server side change log:

  • Temporarily ration keen Explorers to 20 starsystems at a time when selling their scanned data at Universal Cartographics
  • Fixed a bug that stopped some types of News Articles from being generated
  • Fixed a bug that stopped some players from creating Commanders

Thank you.

patchnotes/abg/2014-11-27.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 11:00 von nemwar

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