


2014-10-03 - Beta 2.04

Beta 2.04 incoming

Thanks to your continued feedback, and all the tickets you've logged, the team have managed to schedule another update for later today.

Full details on 2.04 will be added as soon as they are available. Keep one eye on this thread.

Thanks again from all the team at Frontier Developments.

  • Fix softlocks when exiting supercruise near to some stations
  • Fix crash in preflight checklist
  • Prevent server crash when an overlay is being unloaded while it's still in the load queue
  • Removed old way of enabling/disabling stars
  • Fix missing galaxy map background
  • Fix assert in galaxy map
  • Prevent missions selecting stations that you cannot complete the mission at
  • Only send the next mission progression if the mission is not completed and shutting down
  • Fix unable to sell all exploration data
  • Do not assign factions to bounties that don’t exist
  • GUI and smoke effects have now been made more subtle and glows have been reduced a little on the schematics
  • Added 'Disable GUI Effects' option to the GUI shader so no cloudyness, parallax or colour tinting is applied when this option is set
  • Added damage stats to all weapons for outfitting GUI
  • Fixed malformed resource for repair module
  • Increase server send buffer from 32k to 500k
  • Allow network configuration file to specify a range of ports for the game to choose from
  • Allow the send buffer size on the socket to be adjusted
  • Replace a new diagnostic assert in the network code with writing a line into the log file
  • Guard against replay attacks for mission accept and mission update
  • Fixes for tutorial typos
  • Fix for the news feed not showing GalNet on the manually entered new bulletins
  • Fix for regenerating already existing ring texture
  • Update text for good and bad trade good entries on the news feed
  • Added in new news entry for a system bulletin
  • Give star models on the system map a wider range of sizes
  • Increase the timeout between talkchannel and friends list requests
  • Remove misleading reports from server logs

patchnotes/abg/2014-10-03.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 11:00 von nemwar

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