


2014-07-30 - Beta 1.01

Beta Update 1.01 Now Available


beta update 1.01 is in the process of going live and should be available within the next 30 minutes. It contains the following changes:

  • Fix softlock in hyperspace (or 2 instances of it at any rate)
  • Reduce debug churn on servers
  • Fix routing letter log file spam
  • Additional guard against disappearing stations
  • Fix crash for delivery mission with no cargo
  • Fix for start system name not showing up when returning to base after a collect or massacre mission
  • Fix for PirateLord assassination mission having a zero length minimum jump distance
  • Some text tweaks
  • Fix for update damage crash
  • Prevent OOM GPU crash with missing page in vertex or index buffers
  • Added paint job hook in with store
  • Added code side mission minimum jump distances, and added the contracts to the mission description
  • Fix null value crash in launch bay
  • New GFx Libraries with Scaleform's most recent heap code
  • Prevent false positives in the player info ship check when new peer ship is in supercruise
  • Handle the case when a NewObject letter fails to read the new object's factory
  • Prevent crash on null value in docking door
  • Very slightly increased the max fuel per jump attribute so that the smaller ships can jump a tiny bit further than before (around 6 LY rather than 5.5 LY)
  • Send error telemetry on saved game XML parse failure
  • Prevent the DockingComputer from access violating
  • Defaulting the station to draw everything and only turn bits off based on position, instead of the other way around
  • Mission templates for completing the mission on delivery rather than returning to the station
  • Minor change to the layout of the first internal panel (status) to allow names of up to and possibly over 20 characters to be shown
  • Salting StellarBodyEffectsRenderInstance with some extra sanity checking.
  • Fixed non-initialisation report details on ShppPersonalisationComponent
  • Changed StellarBackgroundRenderInstance to have zero defaults
  • Fix cargo units on Type 6


patchnotes/abg/2014-07-30.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 11:00 von nemwar

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