


2014-06-24 - Beta 2 (Premium)

Premium Beta 2 is now available


Premium Beta 2 is now available. I've copied the change log below, please read the important bit at the top!

New Content/Features

  • New space station type added (Orbis)
  • Added Hauler ship type
  • 3 x new visitable systems (Styx, Aulin and LHS 3006)
  • German language support added
  • Incremental install added (it will need to do a full install on its first use)
  • Animated pilot added
  • Price item bought for added to trading interface
  • Customisable controls for galaxy map added
  • Rear beacons inside station turned on
  • Hyperspace effect tweaks
  • Anaconda cockpit art improvements
  • Lakon Type 9 cockpit art improvements
  • Audio tweaks for Galaxy Map
  • Additional controllers added
  • Cloud layers use height separation for normals generation
  • Charge bar for supercruise/hyperspace added to left panel
  • High resolution screen capture added (Alt-F10)
  • Art improvements for large docking pads
  • Eagle cockpit art improvements
  • Updated stars with hotspot colours
  • GUI added to aid escaping masslock
  • General audio tweak and balance pass
  • Hyperspace arrive and depart VFX tweaks
  • Add a default joystick device that maps to first available joystick
  • Animation added to opening of star map
  • Default descriptions for populated systems added to galaxy map
  • More individual descriptions for systems added to galaxy map
  • Updated trade goods
  • Added connection stats debug (CTRL+B)
  • Option for pilot gender added
  • Screenshots now saved in My Documents\Pictures folder

Crash Fixes

  • Prevent crash when authority change occurs
  • Fix for alt-tab crash
  • Fix for crash in AI null value
  • Fix for nullpointer crash in schematics
  • Fix crash in location lighting shutdown
  • Fix crash in faction interogation for AI
  • Fix softlock caused by LogicTriggerGlitch receiving negative damage
  • Material crash fixed
  • Fix for assert when enabling / disabling SSAO
  • Fix for server island crash
  • Fix for crash spawning AI
  • Fix for ejecting cargo crash
  • When resurrecting, wait properly instead of soft lock
  • Fix to stop crash when quitting the game at the same time as dying
  • Fix for vertex crash in galaxy map

General Fixes/Tweaks

  • Server moderated docking pad control added
  • Interdiction frequency balancing
  • Fix Anaconda's collision avoidance to prevent flying into asteroids
  • Station name and status information always available
  • Format changed for galaxy map coordinates
  • Apostrophe can now be used in galaxy map search
  • Kinematic optimisations
  • Improved prediction for Oculus Rift
  • Control sticks can now be used in menus
  • Various text fixes
  • Missing texture on capital ship fixed
  • NPCs can now check if another NPC has a bounty
  • Hyperspace exit flash restored
  • Functions panel now indicates that flight assist is in cruise mode and cannot be changed
  • Contacts aren't counted until they are fully resolved
  • Ships no longer need an armour module
  • Fixed X52 controller naming
  • Greebles optimisations
  • Cobra death explosion tweaks
  • In windowed mode, don't update display mode in response to focus events
  • Various trading tweak
  • Better cargo integrity checks
  • General avoidance behaviour improvements
  • Don't make target locking SFX if weapon isn't deployed
  • Stations appear on scanner at fixed distance
  • Ships must be within range for docking request to be accepted
  • Try and reduce AI tendency to ram opposition
  • Move FOV setting out of presets section in options screen
  • Additional safety checks for authority changes
  • Camera lag and orientation clamping for gun and navigation sights
  • LODs for ships and weapons updated
  • Reduce message spam when spamming the supercruise control
  • Fix for gimballed weapon sights
  • Physics around docking port improved
  • Clean up session change in supercruise
  • Network connection and session creation takes into account connection health scoring
  • Star database fixes
  • Assorted audio tech fixes
  • Wait until station voice has stopped speaking before performing the timeout
  • Emergency drops force FAOff which blends out over a duration
  • Stop friction noises continuing when docked
  • Fixed vertical stalk scaling on larger landing pads
  • Emergency drops cause ghost controls to fight with which blend out over a duration
  • Change ship's voice to use the headset effect atmospheric effect setting when at the galaxy map
  • Fix for the flashing black boxes on AMD cards.
  • Collision damage improvements
  • Added a separate row type for toggle bindings to help with the toggle mode confusion
  • Fixed a mouse scroll losing focus bug.
  • Tweaked docking assist params (remove angular help and lowered linear help so docking still requires you to at least roll properly to align).
  • Keep the processing flight scheme active when in the galaxy map to preserve your speed
  • FSD charge rate changes while you're charging, rather than being fixed when you start charging
  • Fix message spam when docking is declined
  • Add '+' to allowable search characters in galaxy map
  • Supercruise speed balanced (Top speed lowered, acceleration lowered, min speed increased, gravity wells shrunk, star mass lock reduced)
  • Fixed hull health discrepency when docked
  • Confirm equipment purchase added
  • Outfitting screen remembers list location after cancelled or failed request
  • Canister infor split into two lines
  • Fighter and large AI behaviour tweaks
  • Fix network token deadlock
  • Fix faction choice in single player scenario
  • Flight assist off warning added
  • Fix beam lasers passing through things and not causing damage
  • Deactivate Proccessing_Flight while docked ('Docked' is now a distinct state)
  • Show the inner-sphere for bodies from further away if you're moving at non-trivial speeds.
  • Fix for trying to access MotionLineInstances before they are created
  • Drop request time from 20 to 10 seconds for docking requests
  • Don't disconnect if other party pauses
  • Set defaults for shadow view near plane bias values. Expose these values as a shadow quality setting.
  • Fix AI idle behaviour after scanning player
  • Upped drop out speed and distance limits by a factor of 5
  • When near a stellar body (within 4x it's „radius“), need to align away from the body to supercruise.
  • Fix mask counter being reset between transitions
  • Fix for motion lines being visible coming directly at the player
  • Changed slice algorithm and shaders on planets to use the proper vertex and texture coordinates.
  • Emergency air timeout now 10 minutes
  • Deploying the cargo scoop or the landing gear will reduce the speed of the space ship
  • Bounty hunter AI improvements
  • Moons can now have moons of their own
  • Prevent the „No fire zone entered“ message if you're docked
  • Bobblehead a little less crazy
  • Reduce cockpit jitter in supercruise
  • Cache cockpit blow out state across transitions
  • Correct the firing bones used for the adv torp pylon
  • Updated Advertising Drones beam effect. Fixed alignment of beams in relation to drone beam projectors
  • Added Saitek Pro Flight Rudders to device list
  • Reduced star spin rates
  • Stop NPC Eagle friendly fire making you a hostile
  • Better interaction of FAOff and throttle controls
  • Updated hull explosions, removed spinny spinny smoke and rebalanced the textures
  • The player should stop using the breathing mask once inside a space station
  • The oxygen in the breathing mask should be replenished when docked
  • Emergency drops cause damage to hull and modules
  • Interdiction don't count as emergency drops anymore
  • Ring optimisations
  • Added new death explosion to the Cobra, also rebalanced hangar flares and removed the vertical anamorphic
  • Fix „Don't report crimes against me“ not working
  • Damage states added to Anaconda
  • Changed the inertia tensor for ships from a 10m radius ball to a box the size of the ship
  • Fixed „no firegroups set“ spam
  • Shadowing improvements
  • CustomiseCrime allowing ships to have bounties in lawless jurisdictions - now converts local to nearby bounty if local is lawless.
  • You can no longer dock upside down
  • Fix for missing activity lead to incorrect UI for railguns when retracting
  • Improved resize handling
  • Red ring of the star lens flare now has a nicer offset so it doesn't linger across the screen
  • Coriolis optimisations
  • Fixed issues with internal cockpit panel not showing proper ship schematics
  • Fix for selecting Anaglyph 3D rendering resulting in nothing being shown
  • Stations no longer show criminal status.
  • Canisters display their contents in the contacts list
  • Clear contacts list on entering supercruise
  • AA modes can now be used with OR
  • Fix for items not showing up in black market
  • Increase spawn radii for scenarios
  • When inside the space station, the ship's heat should increase gradually to some ambient level to simulate the temperature control of the station's atmosphere
  • station interior fog now balanced to reflect lighting better
  • Fix polyTrails for FrameShift arrival/departure
  • Give AI something to do if their drive module is dead
  • Improvements to handling of when mouse cursor shown be shown / hidden
  • Locked exit button after submitting a transaction to prevent money-making exploit from UI side
  • Change to ambient on distant ring cells
  • Improved render rejection and lodding of kinematic models
  • Change checks on values in algorithm getting barycentric co-ordinates from a ray intersection point with a triangle
  • 3D settings in graphics options no longer take effect immediately, only when 'Apply' is pressed
  • Push out shadow cascade end distances to fill available shadow map space
  • Added Beam effects for the hyperspace clouds
  • Fix for scenario initialisation in server
  • Fixes the glitch where shadows flash off for a frame while moving
  • Fix not emergency dropping when 'hitting' stellar bodies
  • AI ships make the same hyperspace clouds as players on arrive/depart
  • Quantise shadow cascade alignment axis by angle rather than quantising the vector directly
  • Local dust cloud models tweaked in galaxy map
  • Absolute magnitude calculation for neutron stars altered
  • Reduce the mass range of the injected massive stars
  • Moved some bones around in the sidewinder cockpit and rebalanced the damage effects
  • Allow players to see unaffordable items when viewing the outfitting parts list
  • Increased the speed at which ice forms on the windscreen when close to 0% temperature
  • Location targeting is now 'locked' while the hyperdrive is charging
  • Detect cases where CustomiseShipCargo is set up with invalid min/max quantities
  • Fix for not submitting rocks that aren't spinning to the renderer
  • Fix bounty min's that are greater than the max
  • Fade Rotation correction out over 2 seconds when you leave the docking bay so it's a less jarring transition
  • Reimplement the atmospheric failure ships voice line to take into account the state of the life support system
  • Changed shadow filter to work in gamma colour space. This reduces blocky shadow artifacts and makes the size of shadows more consistent between cascades
  • Keep the list of the asteroids active when time isn't passing
  • When the shipyard is closing down consider the case that the ship is being destroyed
  • The Local dust now has a subtle gradient at the end of the galaxy
  • High quality shadow settings: Increased resolution
  • Re-implemented gunsights
  • Don't let the hyperdrive ask anything of the MainGameFlow when it's doing something else (anything that isn't InGame or Paused).
  • Commander names that include a hyphen and are 22 characters long now show the last word on the contacts tab
  • Galaxy map rendering optimisations
  • AI ships can no longer jump when mass locked
  • Added more state to SavedGames (heat, power settings, oxygen timer)
  • Fix ship voice talking over itself during hyperspace/supercruise jumps
  • Updated shadow slope scale calculation to be consistent when using orthographic projections. This also makes it more efficient.
  • Fix being able to run out of air when in the station
  • Fixed the label for galactic average column as it wasn't showing the whole text
  • Fix issues with cursor not responding immediately to changes of state
  • Fixed mismatched damage displayed on hull repair screen
  • Fixed Bug With Eagle GUI Schematic Target Panel
  • Missing stars in galaxy map now displayed
  • k-warrant scan and cargo scan gui update from out of range if the fire button is held when flying into range
  • Point defence weapons no longer listed in firegroups, they are activated and deactivated through modules
  • Oculus fix for lens flares not converging properly
  • EjectCargoActivity should only try to queue ejections of cargo units that are not currently ejecting
  • Added density controls to the distant ring cell meshes. The density of the ring is now set as number of rocks per Km^3
  • Prevent the stick-on damage models used in the Anaconda and Type9 from jittering
  • If you respawn with the free sidewinder, bring your money up to a minimum of 1000
  • Fixed panels' popup getting stuck
  • Fixed the cameras in the hanger from focusing on wrong hardpoints on the Eagle
  • Firing in a no-fire zone is now a crime
  • Force Flight Assist on when playing frameshift exit effects
  • Stop AI Ships attacking even when wanted level has been cleared
  • Speed indication bar now „Flips“ round when in „Reverse“
  • Improvements to turret behaviour
  • Heat seeking missiles track the enemy ship
  • Added the ability to have modifier keys to input binding
  • Weapons no longer turn on/off as you deploy/stow hardpoints
  • Hardpoints don't draw power unless deployed (effects heat)
  • If you hit an emergency stop but you're going slowly enough to drop safely, just do so
  • Location/target/target location panels are mutually exclusive
  • Distance to target takes target size into account
  • Station shows up with the correct colour HUD
  • Fixed the move-mouse-pointer-off-screen-when-using-the-pad-so-it-doesn't-trigger-rollovers thing
  • Hardpoint modules can be set to „always deployed“, so they ignore the player's „Deploy hardpoints“ control. They still retract if unpowered
  • Make sure aspect ratio is correctly calculated when Oculus Rift has been selected as an option but the device isn't available
  • Fix for HeatSinkLauncher being usable when unpowered. Now it needs to be powered and deployed, but is always deployed when powered
  • Using forward/backward thrust resets throttle fixed
  • Fix bounty hunters with no crime scanners - was setting the (basic) scan time to 100s if there was no crime scanner, rather than 3s
  • Once a ships engines are taken offline, AI should flee after a variable period of time
  • If we fail to lock a vertex or index buffer, don't add it to the list of buffers to be unlocked
  • Changed „dumping“ price of a commodity from a constant 80% reduction below the galactic minimum to use the per-commodity ReductionBuyHomeGrown scale factor
  • AI improvements for police patrols
  • When buying ships from the shipyard, make sure the logic requests the appropriate state transitions depending on whether Oculus Rift is enabled or not
  • Split bounty hunter state into patrolling and interdiction variants
  • Tweaks to galaxy map for oculus
  • Allow a chance for patrol pirates to jump away after scooping cargo
  • Reduce network debug chatter
  • Allow cargo hatch to begin retracting before it has fully extended and vice versa
  • Fixed the jumping button focus on the cockpit launch/services panel
  • Various WIP changes to get exit/entry into asteroid rings a little more graceful
  • Trade Cargo screen: new tweaks, adjustments, fixes, improvements
  • Removed Planet/Station/Sun initial lock on icons
  • When buying/selling an item, then dropping back to the main page the item I was on should remain the focus
  • Fix for unsynced stellarforge timings causing station rotation issues
  • Background stars not flattened into background
  • Optimisations for damage models
  • Animations for small landing pad updated
  • Don't allow the game to run without an input system
  • Impose some sensible limits on the threading parameters parsed from AppConfig
  • Fixing an in the power distrib that might have been hampering the cobra
  • Clear the „arrive from supercruise“ flag when you buy a ship so you don't appear in the hangar with a fantabulous flash
  • Change cockpit glass edges to use different shader that doesn't argue with the background envmap
  • Targeting system does its selection based on look direction rather than ship direction. TrackIR, Oculus & manual headlook now works to select targets
  • Additional checks for missing space station
  • If space station is missing then don't trap the player in a docked state
  • Can now supercruise through rings (clusters that add mass locking to be added later)
  • Added notification that player must sell cargo before selling their ship (when buying a new one)
  • Additional safeguards when receiving authority changes
  • Improved the loading when starting docked, there is no longer 1 frame when the ship is outside the station
  • Don't replicate variables from a bad packet
  • Planets, moons and stars ignores the „amd crash fix“ graphic option.They would be rendered even if the amd crash fix is turned on.
  • When testing if we're close enough to the station ot request docking, subtract its radius from the distance in the same way as the target UI so we're consistent
  • Fix a huge missing texture on the corners of Coriolis station
  • Fix for jerky motion in profile builds caused by excessive replication
  • Added a way point between full cockpit control and the galaxy map so the player can't get up to any shenanigans while the galaxy map initialises
  • Fix a bug where sessions do not start up, due to info lost relating to a cancelled message
  • Fix for ship not appearing on other player's scene - due to order of initialisation of components


patchnotes/abg/2014-06-24.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 11:00 von nemwar

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