


15. Mai 2024

Elite Dangerous | Update 18.05 | Thursday 16 May 2024

Greetings Commanders,

An update will be released for Elite Dangerous Live/4.0 on Thursday 16 May. The update will contain the following fixes:

  • Fixed issues with Guardian Fighters hit check not behaving correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where attempting to swap a core internal module with a stored module was being blocked for Pre-Built ships.
  • Ensured new players correctly remain in Solo Play until performing an initial hyperspace jump which will then transition players into Open Play.

Release Schedule

  • 7AM UTC/8 AM BST - Live/4.0 Servers Offline
  • 9AM UTC/10AM BST - Servers Online and Update 18.05 available

These times are estimates and are subject to change

Should you encounter any other issues please be sure to report them on the Issue Tracker.

patchnotes/2024/05/15.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 11:00 von nemwar

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