


11. August 2023

Our Stance on Hacking and Account Imitation/Manipulation

Greetings Commanders.

In light of recent reports regarding suspicious in-game activity experienced by a number of our Elite Dangerous community, we want to acknowledge this and let you know that our investigation teams have been working hard to monitor and take necessary action against such unacceptable behaviour. As with such cases, we take care to ensure that the tools, methods, and action used against suspicious activity and behaviour remain discreet, to prevent those with disruptive intent finding ways to avoid them.

We continue to take any form of cheating very seriously. This includes hacking with intent to manipulate or imitate player in-game accounts. No less, this also includes the use of bots and third-party software developed with intent to disrupt and impair player experiences.

As per our previous statement shared, Frontier continues to stand by a zero-tolerance approach to cheating and hacking of any nature of which directly infringes on our ‘Terms of Use’ that every player agrees to before accessing Elite Dangerous.

We are ever grateful to players who have reached out regarding their concerns and encourage anyone who experiences disruptive or suspicious activity during play, to make our Customer Service team aware via a ‘Moderation Support’ ticket. As previously stated, please avoid attempting to name and shame any suspects on the forum as this can hinder or skew the investigation process.

patchnotes/2023/08/11.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 11:00 von nemwar

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