


2015-12-21 - 2.0.02 "Horizons"

Elite Dangerous: Horizons patch 2.0.02

Greetings commanders,

we're rolling out an update this morning.

We expect the servers to be down for up to 30 minutes. The servers will come down at 10.30AM this morning and will return around the top of the hour.

Here's the changes…

  • Crash fix for following crafting sub-menu access from modular menu
  • Crash fix for skimmer firing
  • Fix crash from NPC messenger
  • Fix crash with missing asteroid physics
  • Fix an audio crash near planetary ports or when deploying SRV's
  • Fix an error when resurrecting a dead commander with an alive vehicle
  • Don't overwrite the plotted route in the galaxy map if opening the system map
  • Fix an issue where the planned route could be wiped after a hyperjump
  • Fix module buyback not correctly preserving full details of the module being restored
  • Stop disconnecting players with a transaction server error when failing to eject cargo
  • Ship spins very fast after launch and is destroyed fixed
  • Make POI's that were supposed to be visible from the ship be visible
  • Cargo racks at POI's do not spawn loot
  • Add planetary checks to „don't die“ missions
  • Add missing timers for off base planetary missions
  • Extract mission destinations for mission external panel entries so mission icon shows up on galaxy map
  • Off set Wing members drop outs to avoid collisions
  • Apply cargo transfer to cached ship state so it won't forget our cargo changes when we dismiss/recall our ship
  • Fixed stolen flag being sent incorrectly in cargo transfer and boarding
  • Fix for incorrect landing volumes on Diamondback Scout
  • Fixed some missing paint job references
  • Don't set the near planet flag on saves for platforms that don't support Horizons
  • Don't generate rocks when in a glide
  • Fix for floating rocks after switching vehicle types
  • Select correct GPU if an nVidia Optimus is installed
  • Minor surface shader optimization
  • Balance tweak for GPU timings on min spec AMD cards
  • Changed the way we find the gpu version to match the way we select the graphics adapter. We now the first non-Intel card instead of the last card
  • Unable to accept CQC squad invite with mouse, can only use controller to select it
  • Added the user's time played to the Commander statistics screen
  • Fix missing black paint job for Viper MkIV
  • Various text fixes
  • Latest translation batch added

patchnotes/15-20/2015-12-21.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 10:59 von nemwar

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