


2015-06-25 - 1.3.06 "Powerplay"

Powerplay Update 1.3.06 - incoming

Hi all,

Powerplay update 1.3.06 is coming shortly, the servers will go down at 10.30 BST and will be down for up to 30 minutes.

Client change log:

  • Prevent crash if we lose network connection while dying
  • When a client requests contact with an as-yet-unseen different client, don't crash
  • OSX: Fix crash in stellar forge
  • OSX: Fix crash in supercruise
  • OSX: Fix crash loading nebula textures
  • Fix monotonic timer crash
  • Fix crash in control bindings activity
  • OSX: Fix input memory leaks
  • Crash fix for a rarely reported issue ship being docked to a station that is not in a state to provide interfaces
  • Fix prospector drone crash
  • Promote people when they complete a rank up mission
  • Fixes for malformed mission text strings, including minor faction symbols missing hashes
  • Tweaks and cleaning up of salvage and smuggle delivery missions
  • Fix having 0 shields after an ungraceful exit
  • Fix to enable all wake scanners to work in super cruise
  • Don't allow ships to score the last hit (or kill-assist) on themselves
  • Fixed status labels/icons in expansion and control screens not matching what's going on in the graph
  • Add skill for major factions in modify reputation detail
  • Added language check when reading the cached powers list
  • Fix faction consequence generators for donation missions
  • OSX: Fix for pitch/yaw 'jolt' when using mouse input and launching, or returning to flight from another game state
  • OSX: Fix for the mouse cursor remaining visible when it should not after OSX 'auto-shows' the dock
  • OSX: Fixes for issues with the Apple Magic mouse and MacBook trackpad „scroll wheel“
  • Reduced the stalk base alpha, and the radius from the cursor upto which they are drawn.
  • reduced the dot, system label and region label sizes. The screen was feeling a bit too cluttered.
  • Various text fixes

Server change log:

  • The popular SideWinder now has a reduced tech level required to produce it, so fewer shipyards should be left empty across the galaxy
  • Activated Powerplay effects to make the appropriate Commodities legal or illegal in markets controlled or exploited by Powers. The System - Authorities have been informed about these changes to their prohibited lists.
  • Various reliability improvements for exploration scanning and station services

Balance change log:

  • The number of votes assigned to players has been increased
  • Requirements for fortify and undermine have been increased by 5 times – this is to encourage more tactical play and we believe this will need increasing further but will review on the next cycle.


patchnotes/13/2015-06-25.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 10:59 von nemwar

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