


2015-06-12 - 1.3.03 "Powerplay"

Powerplay Update 1.3.03 Incoming

Hi everyone,

Powerplay update 1.3.03 is incoming at 2.30 pm (BST). The client update contains a single fix to address mission related adjudication server error.

It also contains the following server changes:

  • Updated the CC balances displayed for each power (Note that this includes the overhead for number of systems that are controlled or exploited by that power - this is being added in a client update next week)
  • Significant performance improvement to the exploration servers

For those Commanders with a lot of unsold exploration scans from before the release of 1.3, we've started to upgrade the older data to make them as quick to sell as more recent scans. This is a background process, so whilst we have added more server capacity, it will likely take most of the weekend to complete.



Minor server side update - 12.06.2015

Hi Commanders,

Our server team have now identified and fixed the underlying issues on our servers, that where causing a limited set of star systems to experience issues and not correctly take into account your expansion preperation efforts.

As Michael Brooks said in his earlier post: We have audited the results of this morning's Powerplay Cycle, and found that a few Powers did not receive the full benefit of your efforts to prepare systems for them to expand into.

If you previously experienced this issue then you should now notice that your hard work in system expansion is starting to pay off.

Feel free to let us know if you are still experiencing any issues hampering your efforts to expand your Powers influence.


CMDR Falcon!

patchnotes/13/2015-06-12.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 10:59 von nemwar

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