


2015-06-10 - 1.3.02 "Powerplay"

Elite: Dangerous 1.3.02 incoming

Hello everyone,

EDIT - 18.10 - little while longer on the server downtime - thanks for your patience X 2

EDIT - the servers will be down for approximately 60 more minutes - until approximately 6PM. Thanks for your patience.

The servers will be down from 4PM BST for approximately 60 minutes to allow us to update to Elite: Dangerous 1.3.02

See the full changes below:

New features/Updates

  • Updated to Oculus SDK 0.5


  • Added custom decal slots to Courier
  • Various text fixes
  • Added Power insurance discount information to death screen
  • Fix for resource extraction sites using repeating ships when spawning new ones
  • Fix for the various intensities of RES locations. High, normal and low now mean high skill, medium skill and low skill, which they didn't before
  • Tweaks to collector limpets behaviour; prevent them spinning in circles when trying to collect
  • Fix for collector drone attempting to grab the same asteroid fragment repeatedly
  • Reduce time it can take to enter Supercruise
  • Tweak refuel costs when adding more fuel tanks to the ship
  • Reduced the amount of wear damage taken from emergency super cruise drops
  • Reduced the amount of wear damage taken when interdicted
  • Fix for randomly losing rank
  • Players no longer receive a bounty if they ram a ship near a starport, and the starport kills the ship for another, unrelated offense
  • Fix missing Russian glyphs
  • Tweaks when using control pad to navigate Power Play screens
  • Add ability to scroll cartographic data list with joystick or keyboard
  • Fix for overlapping community goal on bulletin board

Thanks guys!

patchnotes/13/2015-06-10.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 10:59 von nemwar

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