


2015-04-10 - 1.2.07 "Wings"

Elite: Dangerous 1.2.07 incoming

Hi everyone,

The galaxy servers will be down for 30 minutes from 11.30 am BST to allow us to update to Elite: Dangerous 1.2.07.

See the full list of changes below:

  • Added vibrant paint jobs for all ships except Anaconda (available for purchase from the store soon)
  • Crash fix for star system generation
  • Fix for crash in TrackIR caused by the disconnect function incorrectly handling the case when the TrackIR is in an error state. Also applied the same fix to FreeTrack
  • Adjusted terraforming meta data to prevent server error
  • When getting close to a capital ship while neutral, it will warn you at ~1KM away and then turn hostile at a few hundred metres
  • Treat capital ships like players for assigning kills
  • Don’t allow NPCs to kill steal by them hitting the powerplant
  • Prevent docking after the police 'notice' that a player is wanted. This is the same reaction with committing a violent crime near the station.
  • Network fix to catch some messages delivery bugs
  • Fix a case where a ship with damage regions and no shields could try to save a game before its defense data has been initialised, resulting in showing in the GUI as a ship that's unrepairable at 0% health
  • Adfjusted Type 7 and Viper collision mesh to make them a bit harder to get stuck in the starport entrance cage
  • Various text fixes

Server-side Changes:

  • Decriminalise Limpets
  • When changing station ownership after a conflict, always treat system controlling stations as more valuable than anything else
  • Fix Commander Stats for selling level 2 and level 3 survey scans
  • Various performance and reliability improvements

Thanks everyone.


patchnotes/12/2015-04-10.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 10:59 von nemwar

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