


2015-03-25 - 1.2.06 "Wings"

Wings Update 1.2.06 Incoming

Hi everyone,

The Galaxy servers will be down from 3PM GMT for up to 30 minutes to allow us to update to Elite: Dangerous 1.2.06. See the full list of changes below:

Client Changes:

  • Stability fixes for wing invites in cases where invites get through but only exist for a second
  • Stability fix for low level thread deadlock
  • Crash fix and better error handling for TrackIR
  • Fix crash caused by trying to get a system address from a name before it was ready
  • Fixed all the inconsistent canopy health values
  • Fix for ship internals no longer listed
  • Move JEPOCHAL-G OUTPOST away from planet so it can be reached
  • Move Castellan Station away from Lave 2 to prevent people not being able to supercruise away
  • Fix erroneous (empty) messages about combat bonds
  • Put in a clamp to eccentricity in the constructors of orbits
  • Fix for auto generated news malformed string
  • Fix typos in Leestian Evil Juice description

Server Changes:

  • Unblock the queue of minor faction influence changes from missions ending in certain star systems
  • Allow exploration data to be listed and sold for certain commanders
  • Automated the start and end of faction states of war and election
  • Minor factions in a conflict can only take influence from other factions in the same conflict
  • Fix to allow Commanders to remove old Albino Mammoths from their cargo holds
  • Fix to allow Commanders to reject invitations to join other Commanders' private groups
  • Stock the last few remaining ships and modules at Jameson Memorial
  • Clear out ships' refinery buckets when removing a refinery module

Edit: 02.04.2015

  • Hot fix applied to ensure that conflicts are resolved correctly.

Thanks guys!


patchnotes/12/2015-03-25.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 10:59 von nemwar

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