


2015-02-11 - 1.1.02 "Community Goals"

Update 1.1.02 Incoming - 4pm GMT

Hi everyone,

update 1.1.02 is incoming at 4pm GMT. The servers will be down for up to 30 minutes during the update. The following changes are in the update:

Client changes:

  • Collision damage tweak - Restore the check that prevented multiple lumps of damage from the same collision. Also make the damage split based on mass slightly more exaggerated
  • Stop point defence turrets from targetting their parent ship's missiles/mines
  • Fix issue with multiple controllers enabled and not recognising them all
  • Fix matchmaking issue for comms when UDP hole punching fails
  • Fix disconnect issue when a resend message is lost (fails and retries getting out of sync)
  • Remove some unneeded telemetry in supercruise - it was causing some stutters

Server changes:

  • Commanders with at least one Elite rank should receive a 2.5% discount at all shipyards and outfitting shops
  • Backers who backed at the Founder level or above should receive a 2.5% discount at all shipyards and outfitting shops
  • Faction recovery time from Civil War has been significantly reduced



patchnotes/11/2015-02-11.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 10:59 von nemwar

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