


2014-12-16 - Elite:Dangerous 1.00

Elite: Dangerous 1.00 is out now

A 30 year legacy, and more than 2 years of development, and we're thrilled to announce that Elite: Dangerous 1.00 is out now, available for download and play.

Thanks to everyone who played this far - see you in space Commanders.

Ed (and the whole of the Elite: Dangerous development team)

Change log for those updating from Gamma:

  • Prevent missions softlocks when switching servers from A→B→A without disconnecting from A
  • Check if we should use the neutron star's version of the bolometric luminosity first to prevent soft lock
  • Avoid crash in creating a location object when it hits a rare window
  • Sky box view distance altered to reduce memory usage in highly populated regions

patchnotes/10/2014-12-16.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/05 10:59 von nemwar

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