2014-10-28 - Beta 3.0

Beta 3.00 change log

Beta 3.00 is now available

Hi everyone,

The servers will be going down at 19:30 GMT in order for us to import the latest build. It will take a minimum of two hours for the updates to be put in place, but Beta 3.00 will be with you shortly.

The update has all the features we’d previously teased as well as hundreds of other smaller, equally important, updates.

The dev team haven’t stopped working since the previous update, that’s why they’ve been able to come up with an update as big as this one. You can see the full list of changes below.

Please keep in mind that we expect a similar release process to that of 2.0. There may be some issues at first, but we will be able to iron them out with your continued testing and support (just like last time). There will be further, smaller, updates in the coming days if and when new issues are identified.

Keep the feedback coming in the thread below, and post any tickets if you come across problems. Enjoy.

Here’s the full list:






Flight model tweaks
