03. August 2023

Elite Dangerous Memorial Beacons

Greetings Commanders.

Firstly, thank you all for your thoughts, feedback and general conversations held around the release of Update 16 this week. We are, as a team, continuing to monitor, capture and relay your feedback so thank you for your patience at this common time of „stillness“ following releases such as this.

Breaking through the steadiness this afternoon, however, to bring you some news regarding in game Memorial Beacons.


We're pleased to share that in game Memorial Beacons have now been updated to include submissions received, up to July 25 2023*

Each beacon will contain the full list of names and from here we intend to update future submissions on an approximately monthly basis, for example any submissions received after July 25 2023 will be updated in game in September.

If you have lost a loved one that you wish to have memorialised in Elite Dangerous, please visit our dedicated article here (customersupport.frontier.co.uk/hc/en-us/articles/4408895569938-In-Game-Memorials) to read more information on the procedure and process.

At the foot of the above article you'll also find a new form in order to craft your submission.

Happy to also link the form here (formcrafts.com/a/memorial).

Memorial beacons are located in the following systems: Sol Achenar Alioth Shinrarta Dezhra Colonia Asellus Primus Dromi ​

We are deeply sorry for your losses and honoured that you would choose Elite Dangerous to celebrate your loved ones' memories. ​

Have a pleasant day, Commanders o7

*It still remains that new memorilisations will continue to be only added to the Live version of the game. Memorial beacons in Legacy mode will only display names up to Update 14 (29 Nov 2022).

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