2014-12-22 - Server Update

Server Update


here are the latest server changes:

Hot-fixes from over the weekend:

Today's changes:

This bug fix will increase the demand numbers being offered to Commanders for consumed commodities where there isn't a large exporting market nearby supplying that demand. Where large exporting markets are nearby, the AI traders will now respect their import caps and leave some demand for Commanders. In that situation, the exporting markets should see a slightly increased level of supply available for Commanders to purchase.

These bug fixes together should also sort out some of the 'backwards' trade route data over the next day or so when the data next update.

For the trading the changes in demand should propagate quickly but for the trade routes may take a day or so. This has uncovered an issue with split markets stacking rather than being netter out, although this effect is minor compared to the previous issue. We'll then record the stats over Christmas to identify what further tweaks are needed.



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