~~CLOSETOC~~ [<>] ====== 2015-06-26 - Server Update ====== ===== Server side update; June 26th 2015 ===== **Hello once more,** we've released a server side update to both PC and Xbox One. There should be no downtime or hiccups for this (as it already completed). :) **Server side updates:** * Fix number of visited systems statistic not updating * Fix incorrect part-exchange and insurance rebuy costs for ships * Reliability improvement in local starport news Thanks! ---- ===== Elite: Dangerous Game Preview update rolling out ===== Greetings Commanders, We've released an update this morning for the Xbox One Elite: Dangerous Game Preview, you can find the changes below. **Client Side updates:** * Fixed crash in supercruise * Crash fix for drone authority transfer * Optimised shadows * Audio optimisations * Fix some account switching issues * Enabled compute FXAA shader * Cleaner network shutdown process * Fix low skilled ships appearing in RES points and conflict zones * Added overhead field to power overview page * Make headlook axes customisable on XB1, and the pitch is invertible * Rename the Main Menu's "Start" to "Full Game", for clarity * Various galaxy map usability improvements for controllers * Focusable UI elements now have a stronger focus indicator - including the whole left panel / popup panel themselves * Separate mesh for the galaxy map UI to fit within the safeframe * Default is the default controls preset **Server side updates:** * Fix number of visited systems statistic not updating * Fix incorrect part-exchange and insurance rebuy costs for ships * Reliability improvement in local starport news Thanks!\\ Frontier Dev Team ---- [<>] {{tag>archiv patchnotes frontier}}