~~CLOSETOC~~ [<>] ====== 2017-03-28 - 2.3 Beta 5 ====== ===== 2.3 Beta 5 Change Log ===== **Good morning Beta Commanders,** We're deploying the 2.3 Beta 5 update to the servers with a host of fixes and changes based on all the reports and feedback we've received. **Stability Fixes** * Fixed crash when loading a ship with an engineered surface scanner * Fix crash when trying to load refineries with empty bins * Fixed crash when selecting a new preset while the editor is changing avatar gender * Fixed crash entering a fighter as crew. * Fixed a crash if the helm was targeting an unexplored system you were not currently in * Protect against crash when docking * Fixed crash when launching a fighter and them immediately disconnecting before the fighter is constructed * Fixed crashes that could occur for a player when helm disbands a multicrew * Fixed a crash that occurred when being interdicted during a multicrew session * Fixed crash that occurred if the player's ship was destroyed while they were in the Holo-Me interface * Fixed a server disconnect that could occur when jettisoning cargo from an SRV underneath a ship **General Fixes/Tweaks** * Fixed console specific icons in the Comms panel * Fixed: Highres Screenshot can cause network disconnection * Fixed star texture pop when arriving from hyperspace * Pause menu appears faster now * Fix destination star's lens flare from separating from it in hyperspace when in large ships * Fixed: Combat music will suddenly start playing for a few seconds when entering supercruise from combat with life support disabled/destroyed * History tab now shows date in shorter format "Mar 16" so it doesn't truncate commander names so much * If you report a player in-game, we'll now fill in their ship name and ship ID for you * fixed numerous issues with text truncation in power details screen * fixing instances of corrupted text throughout the game * Fix the visibility of stalks and jump highlights for systems in the galaxy map * Fix text chat not becoming available for players you just unblocked * Fix for AI ships in supercruise circling around station * Audio: Fixed celestial flybys * Fix some missing sounds for goals in CQC * NPC pilot suits have colour variants again * Fixed issue with Russian text being slightly cut off in various UI panels * Fixed issue whereby the labels for livery slots could display in black instead white or grey text * Updated the time format used in the comms panel timestamps * Fixed issue whereby long ship names were truncated on the ship transfer panel * Player Journal now shows faction data for redeemed voucher events * NPC portraits will no longer appear in the comms panel chat log * Further improvements for IPV4+IPV6 (Dual Stack) connections **Headlook** * Added an option to disable the smoothing in headlook, this is useful for some headtracking devices to reduce the latency involved **Multicrew** * Fixed silent pips in multi crew * Audio: Discovery scanner is no longer silent to multicrew members * Multicrew info panels should now correctly display red text * Can now focus on Back button in multicrew info panels using button input * Fix firegroup selection resetting when going in and out of Gunner mode * Fixed interdiction GUI on wing info not updating properly in multicrew * Added an "invited" state, displayed when a player has been invited to join a multicrew session, rather than showing them as connecting immediately * Fix Gunner target lock not being cleared after it has been destroyed * Fixed: Social Comms panel will lose focus whenever a friend comes online * enabled some changes to the multicrew info screens to turn tabs/text red when a role is unavailable * Only cycle through relevant firegroups (when Gunner is present, so you skip (local player) empty groups) * Clarified unit type for "Distance Travelled" values in the Settings panel and MultiCrew Session Report * Made sure mining chunks content info are displayed in gunner hud * Fixed connection error when trying to rejoin a crew after disconnecting * Fixed: Player will disconnect from a Multicrew session if they join while the Captain is channeling a Supercruise/Hyperspacejump and then cancels the jump upon the player joining * Audio: Fix for appropriate shields offline/online vessel voice lines not playing in multicrew * Audio: Silent running voice lines now play for player 2 in multicrew * Fixed utilities not working properly in multicrew * Disabling multicrew idle members seeing the helm targeting gui to avoid any conflicting behaviour * Audio: "Unable to dock, fighter still deployed" voice line now plays for all members of a multicrew session, including the ones deployed in fighters * Audio: Correct docking request voice notifications are now sent to the helm and fighter multicrew members when a fighter requests to dock with the mothership * Fixed ammunition levels not being replicated correctly between crew members * Fix for MultiCrew UI tab selection not being active when docked * Fix for station menu not working when not in MultiCrew * Fix for: [Multicrew] If a crew member swaps into an NPC-crewed fighter that is recalling, they have no control over it * Fix for: Multicrew welcome message panel stays on in gunner role if switch to gunner role whilst panel is open * Vessel Voice lines not all triggering in multicrew * Fixed multicrew gunners occasionally consuming 2 ammo instead of 1 when firing * Vessel voice lines no longer get cut off when transitioning from one ship to another * Players no longer receive the 'shield break' audio and VFX feedback when joining a ship with no shield generator * Various fixes to prevent the MultiCrew non-helm scanner/schematics from overlapping during transition of hyperspace, supercruise and when in a fighter * Fixed issue whereby only the helm would hear the self destruct countdown when in multicrew * When in a ship as a crewman you will now see correct timers/intro VFX for hyperspace and supercruise transitions * The "Switch To Mothership" option should never appear in the role panel until the player is actually in a fighter * Improvements to the cargo scanner when used in MultiCrew in the Gunner role * Bounty Vouchers and Combat Bonds are now awarded to MultiCrew members based on their combat rank **Avatars/Commander Creator** * Categories panel in holo me now correctly displays 'Suit Categories' instead of just 'Suit' * Fixed issue with avatars floating in space, when a ship was destroyed * Female suffocation sounds now play when running out of oxygen * Fixed: Selecting a base preset in Holo-Me will never change the name of the suit despite the suit changing appearance * Changed the shoulder decal icons so they render at 1:1 ratio * Got rid of bright orange lip icons * Fixed inconsistent Cosmetics icons in the Holo-Me interface * Commander's Helmet now reacts to jaw width to prevent clipping * Fixed issue where some changes to facial features in the commander creator would not save correctly * Fixed issue whereby certain previewed features would remain applied to the commander when they changed tabs **Camera Suite** * Various fixes to camera positions and FOV * Audio: Discovery scanner no longer retriggers when jumping between internal and external camera modes * Fix for Free camera roll modes acting in the inverse of what they say they do * Fixed bug in Cam UI that would still show DOF button even when it was disabled * Camera suite should now refer to Ship Controls as SRV Controls while in an SRV **Starports/Bases** * Fixes to hangar lighting. * Hide powerplay contact at stations that lack the 'powerplay' service * Stations that are within a planetary ring are now displayed on the system map * Reduced some shimmering on asteroid bases **Missions** * Changed UI text for Chain missions to 'Follow On' missions * Fixed an issue with the first inbox of a passenger vip Follow On mission. The correct portrait is now shown * Fixed an error where the massacre illegal blops mission was not spawning the correct mission targets * Balance pass on passenger mission rewards * Fixed issue where you could not focus onto the mission filtering box in the Mission Panel using just button input * Fixed issue with some missions not generating after completing a Piracy mission * Made certain Follow On missions spawn more reliably * Fix to allow missions to progress correctly if the player gets to the target system before the timer for the mission progresses * Alternative destinations for Planetary Rescue (plus variants), Federal Navy Salvage and Long Range Smuggling missions are now correctly optional * Address an issue whereby players could not open the mission board if they had a large number of pending follow on missions * Fixed issue whereby the mission target did not spawn in mission USS during Piracy Deal Assassination follow on mission **POIs/USSs/Megaships** * Audio fix: Megaships having a loud sound and outposts events not loading issues * POI loot now remembers which commanders have already claimed them **Weapons** * Audio: slight boost to the volume of other shields breaking and reforming. * Audio: Fixed issue with plinky-plonky small/medium turreted multicannon * Audio: beam laser tweaks. Turned up hardpoints by 3db * Fix for gimballed weapons stuck to fixed after switching from a fixed weapon fighter * Fix for The Enforcer multicannon sounds skipping when firing **Ships** * A player's ship name will always be visible to other players when scanned * Various camera position fixes * Fixed various minor graphical issues across multiple ships * Fixed: Detailed surface scanner no longer claims to draw power in outfitting inconsistantly * Fixed: Detailed surface scanner cannot be turned off * Module popup in cockpit systems panel now retrieves the full name of the module rather than the short name * Fixed ship kits not rendering in hyperspace * Audio: Fixing cockpit reverb size on Beluga liner * Fixed certain ships being raised off of the landing pad when logging in while docked * Engine deploy for Diamondback and Diamondback XL now have their landing gear audio restored to proper working order * Fix for chugging sound that was present in a Beluga when stationary. * Fix for missing sounds on diamondback drive anims. * Audio: ship ready for boarding line vessel voice line now plays again * Audio: Fixed FSD supercharge voice line being triggered multiple times and every 5 minutes * Fixing missing distant external ship sounds on empire courier * Fixed broken retro drive sound on viper and viper 4 * Fix for crackling loop on DiamondbackXL * Fixed issue whereby stellar audio and ship creaks would continue to play after rebuying your ship if you explode in the cone of a neutron star * Vessel voice will no longer spam the low oxygen lines when you jump/enter game with low oxygen * Fixed audio issue that occurred when completing the pre-flight checklist * Addressed an audio issue with ship engine sounds when deploying/retracting landing gears and cargo scoops at certain speeds **SRV** * Fixed issue with inconsistent audio patterns while using the SRV wave scanner **Stations** * Audio:Fix for cracking on xbox one for both industrial inner dock and station external ambiences ---- [<>] {{tag>archiv patchnotes frontier}}