~~CLOSETOC~~ [<>] ====== 2016-10-13 - 2.2 Beta 7 ====== ===== Beta 2.2 - Update 7 ===== **Hey everyone,** Sorry for the delay in getting this up. Some of you may have noticed that the Beta server has been down for a short while. This is to bring you the 7th Beta update! Check out the change log below. The servers will be going up shortly. Enjoy! **2.2 Beta 7 Change Log** **Stability Fixes** * Fixed error loading civilian installation * Fixed a memory leak with the terrain compute shaders * Updating the contents of module storage in UI was causing the UI to unlock earlier than intended fixed * Fixed crash in outfitting where players were able to try to access data before it was ready * Fixed an issue with a highly eccentric planet orbiting a single star and intersecting it * Fixed an assert in CQC when damaged by an explosion from a destructible * Module Transfer Crash - Trying to fit a module into a slot that it won't fit into fixed * Fixed a crash when killing a faction ship * Fix a server disconnection when boarding an SRV at a planet station after the ship has been destroyed **General Fixes/Tweaks** * Added MassLocks to Cap Ship Docks * Fixed missing parts of starports * Many starsystems were controlled by planet settlements. These have all been upgraded to dockable bases * Bounty vouchers once again split between all wing members * Allow bounties to be claimed from SRVs again * Changed cargo scanner text to Manifest Scanner * Added powerplay overhead cost in various places * Fixed incorrect Imperial Cutter schematic * Fixed some jet cone flickering * CQC: When server logs out, make sure we clean up any pending lobbies * NPC shouldn't advance their firegroups manager - this might explain some cases in game where NPC ships are not firing all their weapons * Xbox One: Speculative fix for Xbox player not being restored to the island after resuming from store **Fighters** * Fighter ramming not counting as illegal fixed * Fixed the incorrect paintjobs used for red and blue in CQC * Make sure active crew are displayed correctly * Added an inbox notification when NPC Crew rank up * Fixed NPC Crew profit share not increasing when ranking up **Passengers** * Updated the tips referenced for political prisoner. They now display the criminal trait * Fix error when previously occupied passenger cabins are not rebought from the resurrect screen * Fixed passenger crime scans. Add string for passenger wanted crime **Missions** * Fix missing contract elements for delivery missions triggered by scooping an item * Prevent disconnection when retrieving data from the previous system and we've already jumped * Changed the panel to point to the correct text for massacre illegal and massacre skimmer mission templates - The Don't Die wrinkle now shows the correct text on the panel **Galaxy/System Map** * Fix planet scan logic to ensure that planet terrain is only visible if the planet has had a basic scan performed on it * Fix rendering when there are only Horizons planets in a system **Outfitting/Shipyard** * Added ship summary back to ship details panels for local and remote stored ships * Don't allow sold modules to have transfer options * Display a 0% transfer levy when transferring a free item * Distance Levy [Undefined] Displayed when transferring modules to your current station fixed * Only display locally stored modules when transferring a module from storage to a pre-selected ship slot * Fix server error after transferring cargo to a newly purchased ship * Silent Audio on module store multiple scroll fixed **Station Services** * Fix quick restock button (was showing a full bar when empty), also remove vehicles from the calculation if not vehicle bay is present on the ship * Adjusted the faction name label within the News Panel. It will now resize and add an ellipses when required * Fix the contact panel avatar loading (triangles animation) **Weapons** * Hatch breakers can now be blown up by point defence **Player Journal** * Fixed the 'abandon' flag in player journal for cargo ejected from SRV * Fixed typo in player journal for ModuleRetrieve which was causing broken json * Fixed missing 'Module' tag in JetConeDamage playerjournal entry * Some non-settlements were being reported via the "ApproachSettlement" journal entry - was potentially revealing secrets * Fixed "TransferCost" key in "FetchRemoteModule" journal entry ---- [<>] {{tag>archiv patchnotes frontier}}