~~CLOSETOC~~ [<>] ====== 2016-09-20 - 2.2 Beta 2 ====== ===== Beta 2.2 - Update 2 ===== **Greetings Commanders,** We've released an update to 2.2 beta. Below is the change log... * Fixed a crash when trying to get a name from a non-existent system * Make sure the station generation system uses the "old" metadata when in the orphaned station section of the code - Stops server/client crashing by using updated metadata * Fixed crash that often occurs when self-destructing an SRV - but could conceivable occur during initialisation of any new ship * Fixed a crash during transition states is a valid ship isn’t available * Fixed crash exiting CQC * Fixed a crash trying to create an NPC pilot in an invalid vehicle * Prevent an invalid update query on updating time spent in ships when we don't know the commander's current ship type * Fixed livery errors with Taipan fighter * Added fighter bays to Jameson Memorial and Dalton Gateway * Reduced FSD boost from jet cones to 25% (This will be subject to further balancing!) * Capacity for Passenger Cabin Size 5 Class 4 has changed from 6 to 8 * Jet cone visual bug when viewed through buggy turret fixed * Fixed broken shadow on SRV * Prevent module storage until it’s working * Fixed spurious warning when fitting a fighter hangar * Only show VR tutorial in challenges list if VR is supported on this platform As always, thank you for your continued feedback, bug reports, and discussion on the changes and updates. Please remember to post all of your bug reports to our bug reports forum here: [[https://forums.frontier.co.uk/forumdisplay.php/188-2-2-Beta-Bug-Reports]] General discussion of the 2.2 beta can be found here: [[https://forums.frontier.co.uk/forumdisplay.php/189-2-2-Beta-Feedback-and-discussion]] ---- [<>] {{tag>archiv patchnotes frontier}}