~~CLOSETOC~~ [<>] ====== 2016-05-10 - 1.6 / 2.1 Beta 3 ====== ===== Beta update 3 - incoming ===== **Hey guys,** We've got an update going live to the beta servers at approximately 11am BST. The servers will be down for up to a few hours but hopefully be back before then. :) This will also start the Mayhem phase. The change logs are below. This will not affect the normal game servers. **Stability Fixes** * Fix a crash when a proxy POI is killed before it gets to variables initialised * Fix bad fog shape type * Fix a crash if the Steam overlay is bound to a key that is named differently than in game * Speculative fixes to a crash caused by cargo canisters in POIs not having an item set * Speculative fix for non-Horizon's players being matchmade into inappropriate islands * Crash fix in for when a weapon with the MalfunctionHit special effect hits a module that can't malfunction * When a RingCell received a FOR shift, only transfer asteroids between physics worlds if they have already been added to a physics world * When a POI is deactivated, make sure it kills all the levels it created * Extra checks added a possible fix for a crash that occurs later in scaleform due to a null texture * Safe-guard against the render system returning a null texture, if one couldn't be allocated **General Fixes & Tweaks** * Fix a case of moon-ring intersection, this time it was due to a binary moon * Fixed missing audio on Packhound missiles * Added support for non-latin characters in Air Traffic Controller callsign generation * Fixed planet port voice announcements not waiting for their current message to stop playing before counting down the next message * Fixed missing description for Maia system * Add game client support for 'tradelist' Community Goals * Fix for missing audio when scrolling in shipyards * Updated Archon Delaine’s commodity production and consumption control system effect to use the same set of commodities as his price reduction control system effect * No value up or down sounds for sliders in the graphics, controls and audio options fixed * Various text fixes * Spanish translations updated **Galaxy Map** * Fixed galaxy map camera initialisation and use default system position to avoid the camera to focus on last searched system * Fixed scrollable areas on the galaxy map from jumping around seemingly at random when rolling over interactive elements with the mouse * Reset bookmark route icon when clearing a nav route **Engineers** * Renamed advanced armour to be consistent with the hull reinforcement upgrades with the same effect * Top level module selections listed as 'Other' for both module options at Qwent Research Base fixed * Fixed modified jitter stat off-by-one problem * Implemented blueprint sorting * Removed special effect warning from 'view cost & generate' pop-up and fixed the non-localised string * Refresh engineer data after discarding * Add generic "You've learned some information about a new engineer, $#name;. Check your log for more details." message when unlocking a new engineer to notify players of a change * Adjust timers for mass lock munitions and both Choke Canister (Ion disruption) and Shift-lock canister for making more sense of their buffs and a longer immunity period * Fix misnamed parameter which was causing locked recipes to appear unlocked * Change default class of module assumed for pinned recipes in commander log to take into account that we don't have class 1 engines * Overhaul Feedback Cascade: Now rather than breaking the shields, will inhibit the shield cell to only heal 10% of what it otherwise would do, and will deal direct damage to the shield cell bank equal to half the weapon damage * Fixes to the donation popup button * Known Engineers 'Sort Results' options are not sorting 'By Access Level' correctly fixed * When the recipe pinned for an engineer changes, the commander log does not update fixed * Fixed incorrect string for long range recipe * Double amount of micro resource inventory capacity from 300 to 600 on physical and 100 to 200 on data **Temporary changes to help support testing modified modules balance** * Greatly accelerated the speed of progress through Engineer reputation when crafting recipes * Changed recipes ingredients to fish * All Engineers have been taught all recipes * All Engineers have set up temporary commodity markets to help them sell fish **Missions** * Fix missing timeout element on BLOPs missions * When spawning a mission USS with a cargo override, only override the amount of cargo needed for the mission instead of all the cargo * Added some more links in the deserter.chatter so that it will say a few more things when it is interdicted * Make the planetary race wrinkles work in the same way as the space equivalents * Fixed an issue where the timeout was set to a different timer compared to what the transaction panels were saying * Fix some confusing naming on planetary disable missions * Planetary Rescue Dynamic Scan missions should now be more explicit in its telling the player to go scan the nav beacon after receiving the mission * Fixed discovery scanner use not updating the assassination missions correctly * Fixed where the penalties link to in the assassination legal templates - reputations should now decrease properly * Make sure that timeouts function for the in space assassination mission variants * Mission no longer uses Tiny Settlement for initial POI * Planetary Scan missions now send an inbox message after scanning NavBeacon * Fix altruisms to use demanded cargo, not supplied * Fixed truncated text on community goals page * Pirate Lord should use the auto bounty system, not a fixed value across all ranks * Fix sending the incorrect inbox message after scanning a mission tipoff location **NPCs** * Fix for Pirates being stuck in IdleFlight/PirateThreaten at RESs * Added missing transitions between Pirate Hunter Hostile Mission Cargo Attack and Idle **USSs/POIs** * Rebalance on data point drops: quality and quantity * Balance pass on low level scenarios that can be found as USS in shipping lanes. More Threat 1 opportunities for low ranking combat ships * Fixing under staffed skimmer zone * Added signal descriptors to ship wrecks **Outfitting** * Added separate outfitting category for mining lasers * Speculative fix for abrupt stop in audio transition when entering outfitting * Added stats for vehicle bays * The outfitting Values Min / Current / Max for jump distance seem to be inconsistent fixed * Vehicle slots have 'fixed/gimbal/turret' options fixed * Added a indication that a installed module on a ship is "modified" in outfitting * Vehicle bay sub slots now check the stock properly, rather than defaulting to "no stock" **Avatars** * Adjusted avatar constraints for dictatorship and prison colony mission givers of Alliance and Independent mission givers * Alliance/Independent Dictatorship and Prison Colony now use all of their accessories * Male geometry and skinning refined to help prevent neck intersection * Alliance/Independent Communism, Confederacy, Cooperative, Corporate and Democracy governments now have a chance to have a pair of glasses at Allied * Added longer hairstyle onto the male portrait avatars * Fixed hair intersecting with certain face shapes * Adjusted some of the female hair styles * Added hat for female engineers * Alliance/Independent Dictatorship government now have a more varied set of accessories to choose from * Empire Patronage now has a more varied accessory progression * Corrected a typo so the indie theocracy uses the right kind of jacket * Fixed inconsistent mission giver backgrounds * Ensure we don't get odd FOVs for banner textures * Fix to prevent Lei Cheung's eye deformation when posed * Added a failure state that will abort a portrait request after a large period of time waiting for a texture to be provided, so the system won't be stalled indefinitely **Ships** * Adjusted Imperial Cutter UI elements * Fixed missing texture in Federal Gunship cockpit * Micro resources will now trigger the cargo scoop acquired audio * Make sure that only valid paintjobs can be applied to a ship * Fix missing LOD geometry on Sidewinder * Type 9 Squadron LOD paint job issue fixed * Decals displaying wrong colour scheme when on a Tactical Paint Job fixed * Decal fixing on Anaconda pirate paintjobs * Decal colours rectified on Squadron paintjobs * Decal colours balanced on Asp & Asp Scout Stripe paintjobs * Decal pass to balance colours for 3 colour setup on various paintjob schemes * Added new low poly external Imperial chair model and diffuse texture * Swapped internal and external chair models from DeLacy to Imperial versions on all relevant ships * Fixed chair blue emissive hue to match cockpits * Loud element in sidewinder landing gear fixed * Fixed odd sound effect when placing a bobblehead character, not letters, numbers, or symbols * Make sure we clear any "Under Attack" notifications sent to the ship voice system, so they don't trigger after combat has ended * Friendly fire from wing mates no longer triggers "Under Attack" voice line * Make sure shield break sounds always trigger the aggressive version when requested to be on, and the lighter version when turned off manually * Module malfunction buffs now both trigger the "Malfunction Attack" ship voice event so it's not confused with the "Module Malfunction" ship voice event * Engine reboot buff now only triggers either "Thrusters Offline" or "Warning, Engine Reboot" voice events, not both * Make sure that if a traffic controller is speaking when the player begins their frameshift that we halt anymore notifications and clear the queue, to stop the ship voice from talking over itself **Weapons** * Overhaul of mines for a mix of balance and fixes: * All mines now use Proximity versions rather than the slightly unreliable homing variants, and now have much bigger shiny explosions that better telegraph how dangerous they are * Mines now have the same module-stripping blast damage as missiles * Mines are now targetable by point defences, and have a little more health * Increased ammo on medium mine launcher (doubled) * Synthesis damage boost now adds a multiple of the base weapon damage rather than the damage after engineers have run their magic. To avoid some nasty multiplicative stacking issues we've seen **Hyperspace** * Hyperspace is now much bigger to accommodate large ships * Passing lens flares now fade in rather than 'pop' * Added more distant stars to create a sense of depth * Reduced the frequency of nebula models * Added an extra light **Orbital Cruise** * Fixed one aspect of the glide sequence sounding weird **Bases/Settlements** * Added Lights to the Bridge Lift Section and Bridge Lift Top meshes * Added LODs to Breakers Yard * Bridge section art resources updated * Able to drive/fly through various giant drill parts in Pater's Memorial * Structures not properly meeting the ground at Palin Research Centre * Liz Ryder base - remove weapons range decals * Dekker's Yard base building not flat with ground * Flickering texture on side of building at MacCurdy Arsenal fixed * Set up engineer garage reverb zone and prototype * Fixed issue with Landing Pad 7 with clipping terrain * Moved dock 6 slightly to stop the clipping between the interior of the hangar and the large tower * Fix for settlement ambiences not being heard on Engineer Bases * Fix missing textures and add LODs for Prospectors Rest * Fix for settlement security voice events and problem with offset * Navigation Panel indefinitely tries to scan Engineer Base for SubTargets * Updated UVs on Pillars and Walls * Fixed invisible ceiling * Improve the depth blocking placement on the majority of hangers **Stations/Ports** * Added another indie flight controller variant * Improvements to Alliance 02 flight controller * Planet port voice factions now match their ATC counterparts * ATC won't welcome you until you've taken off from terrain if landed on a planet and not docked * ATC lines are suppressed whilst landed on a planet, apart from hostile messages, hostile hails and docking requests * Docking request messages now stop welcome hails from playing after them * Added detail pass and polish to medium neutral hangars * Added detail pass to high tech medium hangars * Polish of large rundown hangars * Fix for flight controllers not being loaded on some rich stations * If we don't let the player request boarding to a port from an srv because we're too close to our ship, make sure the ship voice tells them their request has been denied **SRV** * Prevent repeating handbrake line when stationary * Fixed very loud Wavescanner inactive weapons sound when close * Improved board ship icon sound, also mute sound when leaving ship * SRV lights are not silent when switch-spammed fixed **Render** * Clear any pending terrain queries when we shut down or deactivate. Make sure we sample the terrain less often if we're on a ship ---- ===== Xbox One update incoming ===== **Hey guys,** There is an Xbox one update that will be going live at 10am BST. The servers are only expected to be down for a very short while (10 minutes). The Update will be available from 10:00am BST (09:00 UTC) and is a 122MB download. The patch notes are as follows. **CLIENT UPDATES** * Fixed graphical corruption when returning to the main menu from the Achievements or Friends App. * Fixed game invites into Arena whilst in the main game. **STORE UPDATES** * Fixed players not seeing their Frontier Points appearing. ---- [<>] {{tag>archiv patchnotes frontier}}