~~CLOSETOC~~ [<>] ====== 2014-11-21 - Beta 3.91 ====== ===== Beta 3.91 change log ===== ** Hi everyone, ** Just to keep you on your toes - here's an update to Beta 3.9 called 3.91. See the full change log below. * Avoid crashing if neither the main texture nor the alt texture are usable, instead fallback to the same behaviour we would use if the main texture did not exist * Replaced a missing station prototype with one that exists * Survive the situation where fused text meshes (and other types) have more characters than the maximum. 4 "Paul-Friederichs Expedition Base Camp" station names fused together are too much for the current maximum * Prevent crash when in a location with no faction * Improve entry into first location – could help with some peculiar connection issues * Fix crash opening UI panel using left shift * Made the the new freetrack protocol cope with missing functions in the dll. This should prevent the crash on startup some users are seeing * Reload all ammo no longer free * More consistent, and more frequent USSs * Don't allow child stars to be considered for mission variables * Fix "Missing faction for location polity" error win tutorial stations * Planet generation: Changed the way that the effects are loaded – prevent connection loss is texture generation takes too long * Changed the star hotspots calculation to cope with the asynchronous behaviour of the effect loading * Fix AI ships not being able to fire gimballed multi-cannons * Fix the difference in repair costs due to not taking into account the faction relationship of the player for that station * Speculative fix for failure to set up a talk channel * Fixes for typos in mission branching * Fixed X55 binding file so it should work correctly * Focus now passed back to game after alt-tabbing * Increased the cool down for Frame Shifting to 40 seconds for all ships * Moved the blast shield animation into the pad raising state (added a delay on the small pad launch state so that the blast shield doesn't raise again straight away * Additional telemetry to help understand why some location entries take extended amounts of time * Fix broken pulse laser audio * Refactored special treatment of ship rtpcs when arriving from supercruise * Reduce unnecessary web traffic in interdictions * Some shadowing fixes * Remove Russian as a supported language. Because it's not a supported language yet * Adding some fixes for malformed newsfeed symbols * Bail out of application startup if there are no suitable display modes available Thanks again everyone, enjoy! Ed ---- [<>] {{tag>archiv patchnotes frontier}}