~~CLOSETOC~~ [<>] ====== 2014-11-11 - Beta 3.05 ====== ===== Beta 3.05 Change log ===== ** Hi everyone, ** Beta 3.05 will be going live within the next 10 minutes - 17:05 GMT. Here's the full change log for your perusal: * Further optimisations to network traffic when players enter/leave islands. * Fixes for some of the reasons that server connections were being dropped. * Extra diagnostics to help in tracking down the remaining networking issues. * Various crashes fixed, none of these tied directly to any specific action performed in game but overall stability should be improved. Thanks for testing beta 3.04, we look forward to reading your feedback, and getting your tickets and reports re this update! Cheers, Ed ---- [<>] {{tag>archiv patchnotes frontier}}