~~CLOSETOC~~ [<>] ---- ====== 2014-10-30 - Beta 3.02 ====== ===== Beta 3.02 change log ===== Hi everyone, Thanks to your continued testing, filling out tickets and posting comments in the forum threads, the devs have managed to put together the second update of the day! It should be available within the next 20 minutes (17:00 GMT approx) You can see the full change log, as well as a server side update, below: * Fines are payable for all minor factions of a system at any station in that system. * Fixed Imperial clipper rotates 180 degrees on the docking GUI when launching from a station. * Fines can now be shown separately for each minor faction. * Fix occasional crashes on shutdown. * NVAPI is known to crash on one machine having an Intel HD4600 card, for unknown reasons. Allow users affected by this problem to disable SLI/Crossfire detection (meaning, calls to NVAPI and AGS libraries) by adding to AppConfig.xml. Server side * unstick the several dozen Commanders whose travels had been terminated untidily after trading Tea with a Type 9 transporting a Troop of Travelling Tea Traders Thanks guys, see you in space. Ed ---- [<>] {{tag>patchnotes frontier}}