~~CLOSETOC~~ [<>] ---- ====== 2014-10-30 - Beta 3.01 ====== ===== Beta 3.01 change log ===== Beta 3.01 will be available by 11:00 GMT - the servers will go down before that to implement the update. You can see the full change log below: * Protect against infinite loop when generating profiling report from server * Stop memory error on shutdown causing a crash * Prevent a null launch pad crashing the game * Fix crash caused by rings in galaxy map * Fix server telemetry crash * Fix crash from broken mission template * Fix crash from shield bank replication * Fix for shadow crash on launch pads that aren’t ready * Fix resource naming for bounty hunter loadout * Fix crash in icon instance buffers * Fix for crash when unable to lock vertex buffer for line rendering * Add debugging to help find missing asteroid chunks * Fix hardcoded '9000' energy per unit mass which should be '90000', and is causing fuel to run our really quickly * New time formatter added that shows time as 16h 32min rather than 16:32 - resolves ambiguity in situations where the number doesn't rapidly change * Added new layers for alpha deferred emissive support – stops some cockpit items sorting incorrectly * Fixed render sorting issues with emissive materials rendering behind deferred elements * Alt-tabbing game fixed * Game starting on wrong monitor fixed * Mouse not working on multi-monitor fixed * Ensure we send the ROUTE letter to all the servers we connect to, not just the first – fixes missing NPC’s in session * Protect against failing to get the launch bay interface when saving * Fix the ship preview failing to darken when the pause menu is displayed on top of it * Server now refreshes its mission information when a client connects, meaning that returning to a server before it has forgotten about you will not leave stale data there * Clamp Wear-and-Tear values to a sensible range Additional server-side updates have been implemented over the last 24 hours: * Fixed issue with fines being awarded but unpayable. Newly issued fines should now be payable in any space station allied with the same issuing Major Faction (Alliance, Federation, or Empire) * Existing unpayable fines will be made payable shortly. * Allow hardpoints to contain enough ammunition for the point defence turrets * Number of reliability and performance improvements * Stopped fines being generated when a reward is given on completing a mission Keep the feedback coming. Similarly to Beta 2, there will be further updates as the team spot any further issues. Thanks for playing Beta 3 - it's only as smooth as it is thanks to your ticketing and feedback. Cheers ---- [<>] {{tag>patchnotes frontier}}