====== 2014-08-01 - Beta 1.03 ======
===== Beta Update 1.03 Now Available =====
**Hi everyone,**
Beta Update 1.03 is currently being prepared for release and should be available for download within the next 30 minutes. Here is the change log for this update:
* Fix some collect missions that are trying to talk about destinations - they now talk about the start locations like they should
* More guards against the ship not having a frame shift drive (which should be possible).
* Speculative fix for CTD on an open space scenario
* Handle more vertex buffers returning null
* Further crash guards for launch bay component
* Correct check before accessing details about the current target location. Would cash if the location you were targetting goes away
* Fix broken pointer in mission progression
* Fix for softlock on missions that involved talking to stations, not showing "objective complete" when you kill lots of people
* Send check codes for bounty and voucher requests
* Reduce server maximum packet size from 1500 to 1400 bytes as temp workaround for Mission BBS problems
* Log the response to the friends info request into the network log file, if VerboseLogging is 1 or more, to help track down failing to find friends online
* Distance contract calculation now take into account the cargo that they're about to give to you
* Send telemetry on player's match-making choice
* Avoid menu stickage when in time zones behind UTC
* Fix null crash in AI pilot receive authority change
* Mission details panel can now have multiline detail row labels (as well as detail row details)
* The focus bubble now eases between its min and max based on the current dolly value. This should allow for a softer selection of stars to view and less background/foreground clutter
* Moved the confirm (pad X) and auto (pad Y) bindings into the ui controls so they don't conflict with the galaxy maps crane (pad X) and home (pad Y) inputs
* Tweak of the system connections to differentiate the independent jumps from those that depend on your current cargo mass
* Add police tags to response craft, so that they can be killed and count as police kills in the missions system
* Fix a bug causing many duplicate sets of supercruise lines being drawn - it wasn't limiting the rendering to local players ship only
* When flying v fast in Supercruise, don't call UpdateIsland more often than once every 5 seconds (don't bother at all in Solo mode) - reduces load on server
* Reduce time server spends on clean up
* Fixed the Federal Staging Area in i Bootis, it's location was wrong. It's still a bit hard to find, but it should be in a much nicer place
* Filtering the top 5 trades is now done dynamically rather than being baked into the data
* Fixed outfitting menu showing base price rather than the server provided buyPrice
* Actually cache the value use to govern variable consumption rate of data when trying to smooth over multiple frames
{{tag>patchnotes frontier}}