~~CLOSETOC~~ [<>] ====== 15. Mai 2024 ====== ====== Elite Dangerous | Update 18.05 | Thursday 16 May 2024 ====== ** Greetings Commanders, ** An update will be released for Elite Dangerous Live/4.0 on Thursday 16 May. The update will contain the following fixes: * Fixed issues with Guardian Fighters hit check not behaving correctly. * Fixed an issue where attempting to swap a core internal module with a stored module was being blocked for Pre-Built ships. * Ensured new players correctly remain in Solo Play until performing an initial hyperspace jump which will then transition players into Open Play. Release Schedule * 7AM UTC/8 AM BST - Live/4.0 Servers Offline * 9AM UTC/10AM BST - Servers Online and Update 18.05 available These times are estimates and are subject to change Should you encounter any other issues please be sure to [[https://issues.frontierstore.net/|report them on the Issue Tracker]]. ---- [<>] {{tag>archiv patchnotes frontier}}