~~CLOSETOC~~ [<>] ====== 2015-12-16 - 2.0.01 "Horizons" ====== ===== Elite Dangerous Horizons update 2.01 ===== **Hello Commanders,** This morning we have a quick update going out. The servers will go offline at 3PM UTC and will return within the hour. Below is the changes for this update... * Fix a render crash with schematics * Remove debug version string * Cannot target anything when in ship vicinity fixed * The following controls should now work when near a ship. * All other targeting buttons (cycling, next hostile, sub target, wings etc) * Cargo scoop lowering * Shield toggle and stabilize * Poll the state of module perks to notice when they go from No Effect to Available, and refresh the synthesis UI page * Allow Mac users to use Micro Resources that were previously gathered using their Horizons-enabled commander on Windows * Fixed some mission string substitution errors Thanks! ---- [<>] {{tag>archiv patchnotes frontier}}