~~CLOSETOC~~ [<>] ====== 2015-01-28 - Elite:Dangerous 1.07 ====== ===== Update 1.07 Incoming - 11am GMT ===== **Hi everyone,** update 1.07 is incoming. We will remove everyone from the servers at 11am and should be live again within 30 minutes. Here are the changes for this update: **Client Changes:** * Crash fix for low end onboard graphics chipsets * Block method for duplicating cargo * Further death related telemetry * Additional file telemetry for resource loading failure **Server Changes:** * the daily maintenance period is now weekly, the galaxy servers will be unavailable at 0700 UTC on Thursday mornings * improve private groups and matchmaking at busier playing times * fixed a rare cause of Commanders being unable to load into the game Update size - @ 22MB Thanks! Michael ---- [<>] {{tag>archiv patchnotes frontier}}