~~CLOSETOC~~ [<>] ====== 2015-01-22 - Elite:Dangerous 1.06 ====== ===== Update 1.06 Incoming - 11am GMT ===== **Hi everyone,** update 1.06 is incoming at 11am GMT. Everyone will be taken off the servers at this time while the update is applied. We should be live again within 30 minutes, so 11.30am GMT. Here's the client and server change log: **Client Changes** * Make sure that station doors do not kill players in stations * Stability fix for memory allocation on textures * Prevent recycling of the mission list so the same mission cannot be taken over and over again * Fix for matchmaking in private groups * Add more telemetry to continue investigation on why some resourses don't load on some machines * Add more telemetry for player collisions * Some mission text fixes **Server Changes** * Memory optimisations for scenario handling * Improvements to space station news generated from background simulation events * No longer treat commodities as prohibited in the system map or on trade route data for space stations that have temporarily declared them legal * Fix a bug that sometimes prevented a starsystem's government type and major faction allegiance changing * System change queues no longer stall * Fixed issue with influence from a faction from a different system not being applied to the correct system * Added a safety net so that permits awarded on faction ranks (Imperial and Federal) will be forcibly added at the rank above if the player hasn't been able to access the mission for whatever reason Thanks! Michael ---- [<>] {{tag>archiv patchnotes frontier}}