~~CLOSETOC~~ [<>] ====== 2014-12-18 - Elite:Dangerous 1.02 ====== ===== Elite: Dangerous 1.02 change log ===== **Hi everyone,** Here's the full change log for 1.02. Just a few quick changes to make your play experience even smoother! Enjoy! - the servers should be down for around 10-15 minutes from ~12.30GMT 18/12/14 * Allow text chat to function for any voice comms member, not just for friends * Fix for a rare crash when scanning unexplored systems * Fix for a rare crash during networked combat * Fix for a very rare crash in or near starports and outposts * Fix for a very rare crash after migrating servers on network island changes * Corrections to some mission descriptions * Corrections to some galaxy data in rarely visited systems * Extend a time-out that occasionally triggers a disconnect during hyperspace * Extend some previously added diagnostics to further refine the data gathered And there are some server-side changes, too: * After yet another discussion with the rare commodity producers, Commanders should now be eligible to only purchase rare goods up to their own personal allocation, instead of buying everybody else's ration as well. * Universal Cartographics has issued a new purchasing policy, so Commanders exploring supermassive stellar bodies should no longer receive supermassive payouts. * Tune matchmaking to significantly improve the chances of meeting other Commanders in space * Improvements to Exploration server performance All your feedback is greatly appreciated. Cheers! Ed ---- [<>] {{tag>archiv patchnotes frontier}}