~~CLOSETOC~~ [<>] ====== 2014-12-17 - Elite:Dangerous 1.01 ====== ===== Elite: Dangerous 1.01 change log ===== **Hi everyone,** Day 2 of Elite: Dangerous being out there in the real world, and we already have a little update for you all. See the full change log below: * Removed "Elite: Dangerous" version text * Fix one cause of infrequent disconnections during hyperspace when server load is high * Fix an infrequent system map crash related to data associated with specific systems * Fix some debug strings being shown in slave-related mission descriptions * Fix some ambiguous galaxy data in a small number of regions * Fix two different very rare networking crashes * Diagnostics to help track down one cause of disconnections following server island migration * Diagnostics to help understand some graphics memory allocation failures * Diagnostics to help track down systems with possibly inconsistent minor faction data * Diagnostics to help understand if some bounties aren't being awarded * Server change to reset players with excessive negative rep with major factions so that they are no longer shoot on sight Hope everyone's enjoying the game - thank you so much for playing! The development team are still hard at work, and appreciate every tiny bit of feedback seen on the forums. Thanks again. ---- [<>] {{tag>archiv patchnotes frontier}}