~~CLOSETOC~~ [<>] ====== 2015-04-21 - Server Side Update ====== ===== Server side update at 11am - 21/04/15 ===== **Hi everyone,** The server update will go live this morning at 11 am. It has the following changes and a known issue. * Prevent being fined by the same authority more than once for carrying illegal goods near a station * Cap all bounties to 1 million credits per minor faction * Set all current bounties above 1 million credits to 1 million credits Known issue: * When destroying another Commander's ship, the initial notification of any bounty awarded will incorrectly state the value if the bounty has been limited to 1 million credits. The correct value will be shown in the Transactions cockpit interface and when redeeming the bounty. ---- [<>] {{tag>archiv patchnotes frontier}}