~~CLOSETOC~~ [<>] ====== 2015-06-18 - 1.3.05 "Powerplay" ====== ===== Powerplay Update 1.3.05 Incoming ===== **Hi everyone,** Powerplay update 1.3.05 is incoming and due to arrive around 12:15pm (BST). **Client change log:** * Localization strings updated * Fixed various missing text strings * Commodity text fixes * Retain a discounted hull value when rebuying a ship after dying * Fixed 'back button' sound not always playing * Fixed Powerplay Scenario generation bugs * Fix for crash with drone authority transfer **Server change log:** * Applied Senator Patreus' weapons discount to the Powerplay unique weapon modules * For very high faction reputations, changed decay to apply only to major factions instead of only minor factions * Remove some incorrect first discoveries with a zero credit bonus in certain cases when a body has already been discovered by another Commander * Fixed certain star systems' exploration data so they again display the first Commander who discovered a body * Fixed powerplay bonus trade profit vouchers not being displayed in the transactions panel in the cockpit **Mission fixes:** * Fixed various mission text strings * Fixed slave delivery mission text * Assassination text/contract consistency fix * Fixed issue with substitution of NPC pilot names in mission strings * Fixed Elite missions having two rank requirements * Make permit missions require allied reputation * Founder and Elite missions are no longer restricted to Empire space * Make delivery missions remove correct amount of cargo * Balanced the chance of an NPC messenger spawning across relevant mission types * Handing in required cargo quantity completes Ranked Collect missions as expected * Fix to give correct rewards * Rewards updated for Elite/Founder Missions * Massacre Conflict target numbers now scale * Removed redundant TimeLeft element from Abandon Branch on ship panel ('0H 0M' left) **Mac specific:** * Fix for crashes reported from 'StarTextureGenComponent::ReadVectorField()' ---- [<>] {{tag>archiv patchnotes frontier}}