~~CLOSETOC~~ [<>] ====== 2015-02-11 - 1.1.02 "Community Goals" ====== ===== Update 1.1.02 Incoming - 4pm GMT ===== **Hi everyone,** update 1.1.02 is incoming at 4pm GMT. The servers will be down for up to 30 minutes during the update. The following changes are in the update: **Client changes:** * Collision damage tweak - Restore the check that prevented multiple lumps of damage from the same collision. Also make the damage split based on mass slightly more exaggerated * Stop point defence turrets from targetting their parent ship's missiles/mines * Fix issue with multiple controllers enabled and not recognising them all * Fix matchmaking issue for comms when UDP hole punching fails * Fix disconnect issue when a resend message is lost (fails and retries getting out of sync) * Remove some unneeded telemetry in supercruise - it was causing some stutters **Server changes:** * Commanders with at least one Elite rank should receive a 2.5% discount at all shipyards and outfitting shops * Backers who backed at the Founder level or above should receive a 2.5% discount at all shipyards and outfitting shops * Faction recovery time from Civil War has been significantly reduced Thanks Michael ---- [<>] {{tag>archiv patchnotes frontier}}